
Canada and McGill must confront their roles in eco-racism against Indigenous peoples 

As the climate crisis steadily worsens in Canada, so do the livelihoods and environments of Indigenous peoples who bear the disproportionate brunt of its effects. Climate change is eroding both access to resources and foundations of Indigenous tradition, ritual, and history. These impacts on Indigenous communities are not incidental. They[Read More…]

Winter 2024 SSMU Executive Endorsements 

The Tribune’s editorial board presents its endorsements of the candidates for the 2024-2025 Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) executive team. Editors researched and communicated with each candidate before leading an editorial board discussion on the candidate’s qualifications and vision for their prospective role. Editors with conflicts of interest abstained[Read More…]

Winter 2024 SSMU Referendum Endorsements 

The Tribune’s Editorial Board presents its endorsements for the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Winter 2024 referendum questions. Editors researched and discussed the questions before voting on each endorsement. These endorsements reflect a majority vote of the editorial board, with editors who have conflicts of interest abstaining from pertinent[Read More…]

McGill must protect its queer students and stand against growing bigotry

On Feb. 22, 2024, the town of Westlock, Alberta, voted to prohibit rainbow crosswalks and flying anything other than government flags. This measure is yet another recent example of Canadian politicians implementing homophobic and transphobic policies, all of which normalize hatred against queer communities. The Westlock decision came after Alberta[Read More…]

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