• Georgia O'Keeffe Home and Studio
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Georgia O'Keeffe Home and Studio

Last updated on June 29, 2015

Map / Directions 10Best Says

People often associate Georgia O'Keeffe with Santa Fe. In fact, the iconic artist didn't live in the city until her last years. She lived in Abiquiu, about an hour northwest of Santa Fe. Her original...  Read More


  • Sightseeing: "If you want to go behind the black door, inside more rooms than on the standard tour and visit the fallout shelter O'Keeffe had built into the hillside in the 1950s, take the Behind the Scenes Tour offered on Wednesday and Friday evenings from June to September."
  • Best for Sightseeing Because: A must-visit for Georgia O'Keeffe fans. Seeing how and where she lived and learning a bit about her life give insight into her art.
