• Amelia E. White Park
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Amelia E. White Park

Last updated on June 29, 2015

Map / Directions 10Best Says

There's something very romantic about parks. They're popular trysting places in real life, books and films. Amelia E. White Park on Santa Fe's historic Eastside, is a romantic oasis minutes from...  Read More


  • Romantic Things to Do: "If you want to have a wedding at Amelia E. White Park, or any park in Santa Fe check with the city's Parks Department about reserving the space and any permits that might be required."
  • Parks: "Once the Santa Fe Trail opened in 1821, settlers came across the 1,200 mile trail starting in Franklin MO. Some of the wagon wheel ruts are still visible along the trail. If you look carefully, you can still see some in Amelia E. White Park."
  • Best for Romantic Things to Do Because: Amelia E. White Park is the perfect in-town spot for a romantic picnic or a private getaway a deux.
  • Best for Parks Because: Amelia E. White Park, on Santa Fe's historic Eastside, offers both locals and tourists a serene place for a getaway.
