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Museum of Indian Arts and Culture

Type: History Museums, Museums

Last updated on June 29, 2015

Map / Directions 10Best Says

The Museum of Indian Arts and Culture (MIAC) shares Museum Hill's Milner Plaza with the Museum of International Folk Art. Their mission is "to inspire appreciation for and knowledge of the diverse...  Read More


  • Museums: "While at the museum, visit the Colleen Cloney Duncan Museum Shop. The carefully curated merchandise on display includes books on Native Americans and their culture, handcrafted jewelry, pottery, kachinas, rugs and even a few inexpensive souvenirs."
  • Sightseeing: "Looking for handcrafted American Indian items such as jewelry, pottery or other hand-crafted traditional objects? The Colleen Cloney Duncan Museum Shop is a great place to look. They offer an expertly chosen selection. Ask about new artists. You may discover one whose work will appreciate in value."
  • Best for Museums Because: MIAC is a rich resource on the art and history of the state's original peoples and that of Native people throughout North America.
  • Best for Sightseeing Because: American Indian history, art and culture are an integral part of Santa Fe's cultural legacy. The Museum of Indian Art and Culture expertly showcases it.
