• Holiday Pie Mania
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Holiday Pie Mania

Last updated on June 29, 2015

Map / Directions 10Best Says

Holidays mean food. Holiday Pie Mania, a pre-Thanksgiving event is held on a November Saturday afternoon at Builders Source Appliance Gallery, is a benefit for The Food Depot, Santa Fe's local food...  Read More


  • Things to Do in December: "If you want to buy a pie to take home with you or bid on a "future pie" for the holidays, arrive early and scope out the offerings before the auction and pick your favorite(s). As with any auction, decide what your top offer is and stick with it."
  • Best for Things to Do in December Because: Holiday Pie Mania, a festive seasonal food event, comes at a time when things are quiet in Santa Fe. If you're here, check it out.
