• Rattlesnake Bar at Fearing's
  • Rattlesnake Bar at Fearing's
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Rattlesnake Bar at Fearing's

Last updated on May 26, 2018

Map / Directions 10Best Says

Dining at Dean Fearing's namesake restaurant inside the swanky Ritz Carlton can get pricey, but the restaurant's Social Hour is an inexpensive way to feast and imbibe without busting your wallet....  Read More


  • Happy Hour: "If you're having dinner here, be sure to check out Fearing's new Butcher Block menu of Texas Wagyu beef. Valet parking is free if you are eating or drinking at Fearing's."
  • Best for Happy Hour Because: The Rattlesnake Bar at Fearing's is the place to go when you want to people watch.
