• 69 Colebrooke Row
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69 Colebrooke Row

Type: Bar

Last updated on June 29, 2015

Map / Directions 10Best Says

'The Bar with No Name' may solely be referred to as it's street address, 69 Colebrooke Row, but that doesn't make it that secret. It is difficult to find however, at least for the uninitiated, located...  Read More


  • East London's Best Cocktail Bars: "The flagship bar of London's pioneering cocktail creator, Tony Conigliaro, this is where the real cocktail geeks should come."
  • Best for East London's Best Cocktail Bars Because: Tony C hosts cocktail masterclasses here for any budding mixologists out there (GBP 40). Happily, you get to drink your creations too.
