
The Alameda County BlueprintDomestic ViolenceHomicides in Oakland

The Alameda County Blueprint

Violence Blueprint

A Lifetime Commitment to Violence Prevention: The Alameda County Blueprint
Published 2005

Prevention Institute, in partnership with the Alameda County Public Health Department and stakeholders from across the county, published this blueprint in 2005.

Domestic Violence


A Profile of Family Violence in Alameda County: A Call for Action
Published 2003

Documents the nature, extent and consequences of intimate partner violence and family violence in Alameda County, and identifies gaps in domestic violence-related services and existing resources.


Data Update of A Profile of Family Violence in Alameda County: A Call for Action
Published 2007

A 2007 update to the above report.


Data Update of A Profile of Family Violence in Alameda County: A Call for Action
Published 2005

A 2005 update to the above report.

Homicides in Oakland


Violence in Oakland: A Public Health Crisis - Alameda County Violent Death Reporting System, 2002-2004
Published 2006

This report includes data from vital statistics, Oakland Police Department, Alameda County Coroner, and state Supplemental Homicide Reports. Highlights include rates of homicide by Oakland neighborhood, victim demographics and socioeconomic status, and circumstances.

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