
Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Slide Set 2018

Domestic Violence in Alameda County
Published June 2018

This report is intended to describe the populations most affected by domestic violence in Alameda County while acknowledging current data limitations. It includes national statistics as well as Alameda County data on domestic violence-related deaths, hospital visits, and 911 calls. The information presented includes recent data, trends, geographic differences, and racial and ethnic group inequities. Alameda County Domestic Violence support resources are also included for those who need assistance. It was produced by the Alameda County Public Health Department Community Assessment Planning and Evaluation (CAPE) Unit in collaboration with the Alameda County Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team (DVFRT).

Slides and maps may be referenced and/or reproduced in reports, presentations and publications with the ACPHD logo and the recommended citation: Alameda County Public Health Department, Domestic Violence Slide Set, June 2018.

Domestic Violence 2015

Addressing Domestic Violence as a Public Health Issue in Alameda County
Published September 2015

This presentation includes Alameda County data on domestic violence, violent crime, homicide, and assault.

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