Share Your Story: Tribal Regalia at Graduation

An indigenous student holding and wearing tribal regalia at graduation. Share your story about your school's efforts to stop students from wearing tribal regalia.

If your school is refusing to let you wear tribal regalia at graduation, let us know so we can share your story.

Graduation is an especially meaningful time for many Indigenous communities. Because of the legacy of education as a tool of genocide and assimilation, schools are still often unwelcoming places for Indigenous students. As a result, Indigenous students face disproportionate outcomes across a range of educational statistics, including higher rates of exclusionary discipline and lower graduation rates. For students and communities who are able to overcome these barriers to academic success, commencement is a time for the entire community to celebrate.

Indigenous students should be able to celebrate their graduation while remaining true to their cultural and religious heritage.

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Tell Us Your Story

We want to know YOUR story. If your school has stopped you or tried to stop you from wearing tribal regalia, tell us why you think this policy is discriminatory and how it has affected you.

Please note: This form is not intended as a means of obtaining legal advice or assistance and will not establish an attorney-client relationship. Its purpose is to gather information for advocacy purposes and collect stories that may be used for public education purposes. Please do not include information you would not want shared publicly (e.g., posted online).

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