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Alaska Public Media prepares for the future in partnership with special membership support through a comprehensive campaign, Together We Are Stronger.

Join us in building a future that connects Alaskans for a life informed, inspired, and enriched.

A multi-year effort launched 2021 to raise $15 million dollars to:

$10 Million Endowment

Protect Alaska Public Media for future generations by raising a $10 million dollar endowment that will generate approximately $500,000 earnings annually.

$5 Million in current gifts to:

  • Fortify the critical media infrastructure that connects Alaska.
  • Share Alaskans’ stories with Alaska and the world.
  • Expand local programs, community dialogue, and education initiatives.

Ways to Support Together We Are Stronger

There are two funds in the comprehensive campaign – choose one or both; give now in the form of cash or other liquid assets, or in the future – from your estate, IRA, or other complex gifts.

*The easiest way to make a gift today.
If you have already included Alaska Public Media in your will, IRA, or other estate plans, please let us know by filling out a Declaration of Intent and including the approximate value of the gift so that we can count your gift towards our goal.

*Leave a gift in your will or estate. Designate.
Alaska Public Media as a beneficiary for your IRA or life insurance.

*Give a gift of appreciated stock, Donor Advised Fund, or wire transfer.
When you donate stock directly to Alaska Public Media, you’ll generally take a tax deduction for the full fair market value. Because you are donating an appreciated asset, your contribution and tax deduction may instantly increase over 20% as compared with donating cash or selling the stock and donating the proceeds.

*Make a multi-year pledge.
You can make an investment in the future of Alaska Public Media by, for example, making one of the following pledges:

$25,000 by contributing $5K a year for five years.
$10,000 by contributing $2.5K a year for five years.
$5,000 by contributing $1K a year for five years.

*Make a gift of real property such as your house, condo, or minivan. We are working with The Alaska Community Foundation to process more complex gifts, and as always, we are happy to accept your vehicle to support the programs you love at AKPM!

Other Ways to Help

Invite your friends! – Invite a small group of friends (3-5) to coffee, lunch, or a studio tour with our President and CEO Ed Ulman.

(Please note: We are following CDC-recommended Covid guidelines and holding off on larger gatherings until it is safe to do so.)

Join us for the Insider Experience! – If your time is limited but you want to have the most impact, join us for special presentations from our leadership to gain a deeper understanding of the need for the comprehensive campaign.

Share Your Commitment – We could not do this work without the unwavering support of our members. You make all the difference. By lending your name to the effort you let people know what Alaska Public Media means to you. If you are interested in sharing your story, let us know.

Let Us Know

Please remember to make this gift in addition to your regular membership. It is important to keep the annual giving strong in order to maintain operations.
If donating online, please note what part of that gift is for Together We Are Stronger.

Please note, we do not provide any legal or tax advice and urge you to seek advice from your accountant, attorney, or other independent professional advisor to determine how your gift to Alaska Public Media might affect your tax situation.

To learn more about Together We Are Stronger and how you can participate, share your story, or to discuss gifts of stock, your IRA required minimum distribution, or other complex gifts, please contact Anne Garrett, Comprehensive Campaign Director.

Email: [email protected]
Call: (907) 550-8423
Alaska Public Media
Attn: Together We Are Stronger
3877 University Drive
Anchorage, Alaska 99508

Together We Are Stronger Comprehensive Campaign Materials