2020 Top Companies for Women Technologists

2020 Top Companies for Women Technologists Results
Top Companies for Women Technologists is the only benchmarking program that looks specifically at technical employees and awards companies that are making the most progress toward equity.

In 2020, we measured:




Overall Representation of Women Technologists is Growing

Overall representation of women technologists has increased by 2.9 percentage points since 2018. This increase is promising, but even at a consistent growth rate of 4.96% per year, it would take 12 years to achieve equal representation.

Growth in Women Technologist Representation at​
All Career Levels

This year, among Top Companies participants, there was growth in women technologist representation at​ all career levels. While representation increased at a steady pace across all levels from 2018 to 2019,​ over the past year, growth at the executive level increased substantially (+4.3 percentage points), even​ surpassing the representation of senior-level women technologists.

Overall Hiring, Retention, and Advancement​

The overall representation of​ women technologists increased​ by 3.5 percentage points over​ the past 2 years. However,​ women technologists are being​ disproportionately hired at entry-level.​
In 2020, women and men left organizations, both voluntarily and​ involuntarily, at almost equal​ rates —a big improvement over last​ year, which saw women leaving more than men by 1.3 percentage points. ​
Over the past 3 years, more women have been promoted than men.​ However, the majority of women’s​ promotions have been into​ mid-level positions, while men are being promoted into senior levels at a higher rate than women.​

2020 Winners

AnitaB.org is proud to name ADP, Ultimate Kronos Group, and The New York Times as the winners of the 2020 Top Companies for Women Technologists program. These three companies had the highest overall score, categorized by the size of their technical workforce.


2020 Leaders

Top Companies Leaders are companies who scored in the top 25th percentile in their technical workforce size category (less than 1,000, between 1,000-10,000, and greater than 10,000 technical employees). ​

Small Technical Workforce​
Medium Technical Workforce​
1,000 – 10,000
Large Technical Workforce​
PepsiCo Airbnb Accenture
The New York Times Athena Health ADP
Thoughtworks Experian Capital One
Morgan Stanley
New York Life Insurance
Ultimate Kronos Group

2020 Participants

These companies are hugely instrumental in driving change. By contributing to the industry benchmark and measuring their data against other participants, they demonstrate a commitment to understanding where they are today and learning how they can improve. Companies are listed alphabetically; this list is not a ranking.​ ​

Accenture GEICO PepsiCo
ADP Goldman Sachs PricewaterhouseCoopers
Airbnb HERE North America Qualcomm
Allstate IBM Red Hat
Amazon.com Intel Corporation Securian Financial Group
American Express Intuit ServiceNow
Argonne National Laboratory JP Morgan Chase Snap Inc.
Athena Health Kohl’s Spotify
Bank of America Lilly State Farm
Capital One McKesson Target
Cisco Morgan Stanley The New York Times
Citi Morningstar, Inc. ThoughtWorks
Coursera Nationwide Ultimate Kronos Group
Discover Financial Services New Relic Varian
Electronic Arts New York Life Insurance Verizon
Experian Nike, Inc. Zillow Group
Fast Enterprises Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

All rights reserved. The brilliant mark, AnitaB.org, and Grace Hopper Celebration are registered trademarks of AnitaB.org. All other logos, brands, trademarks, and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners and used with permission. All company names used are for identification purposes only.

Our Call to Companies

Build Structural Equity

Ensure that your​ DEI efforts are built​ into your company’s infrastructure.​ AnitaB.org has launched​ IDEA (Inclusion Diversity Equity​ Advance) to help companies assess,​ align, and embed DEI within the​ employee lifecycle. To learn more, contact​ [email protected].

Build New​ Pathways

Actively recruit​ nontraditional​ applicants. AnitaB.org &​ Onramp are partnering to​ offer TalentSprint, an upskilling and candidate matching platform to help companies hire BLNP people into tech roles. To learn more, contact [email protected].​

Build Together

Companies and​ individuals must​ unite to share ideas, best​ practices, and innovate solutions.​ Programs like the AnitaB.org Partnership for companies and​ Membership for individuals bring​ people together to create collective​ action toward change.

As we move into the future, it seems a more appropriate time than ever to seek fairness of opportunities and to reward organizations that both embrace accountability and look to create a more equitable and inclusive environment. Top Companies findings and insights show that progress is being made and that with more concerted effort, tech can achieve equity for all.


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