
Create Class Sections

You’ll need to create class sections before school begins so that your students can join your section on the first day of class. Creating your class sections also means you can start setting up assignments in AP Classroom as you plan your instruction.


1. Sign in to your personalized AP experience.
Use your College Board username and password to sign in.

2. You will see course cards for each AP course that you teach.
Navigate to the course you would like to create class sections for.

3. Click “+ Add Section.”
If no class sections have been created yet, you’ll see a link saying + Add Section. Click it and a small window will pop up and you will be taken to a page called “My Classes.”

4. Give the class section a name.
Fill in the field under “Section Name.” Use the naming convention that works best for your school. Class section names should be easily recognizable by students and your school’s AP coordinator and principal, because they will appear in AP Classroom and AP score reports. The limit for each section name is 20 characters.

5. Give it a maximum number of students.
Fill in the field under “Maximum number of students.” This will default to 40, but you can edit this number if necessary. Once the number of enrollments equals the maximum number of students that has been set for that section, no one else will be able to enroll in that section unless you or your school’s AP coordinator edits the field to increase the maximum number.

6. Select the correct course schedule.
The dropdown under “Course Schedule” offers a choice of section types.

  • Standard Full Year: Use this option if the section is held for the whole school year or is held only during the first semester.
  • Second Semester: Use this option if the section begins after the November 15 final ordering deadline or is held only during the second semester.

7. If applicable, add one or more co-teachers.
If you’re co-teaching this class section, click + Add Co-Teacher and follow the instructions. The drop-down list shows the other teachers at your school who have added their course in AP Course Audit. You can add up to two co-teachers.

8. Click “Create Section.”
After you click Create Section, you’ll see the “My Classes” page with the new class section added under the AP course name. The second column in the table contains the join code for this class section, which you’ll distribute to students at the beginning of class. If you need to make any changes, click the Edit icon, which looks like a pencil, in the last column.

9. Add more sections if needed.
To the right of the course name, you’ll see a link saying + Add Section. Click it and repeat the steps outlined above to add another section.
