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Cole Remarks at FY25 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Bill Full Committee Markup

July 10, 2024

America has always been a nation of builders.

From our transportation infrastructure and operable supply chains to the support of strong communities, the bill before us prioritizes these core missions.

Funding is directed towards the safety and security of vital transportation systems. Air traffic control operations are fully funded and resources to hire thousands of new air traffic controllers to replace a rapidly aging and retiring workforce are provided. We keep America’s highways moving with truckers vital to commerce, ensuring that our shelves are stocked. The bill also emphasizes our national defense needs through funding for critical Maritime Security, Tanker Security, and Cable Ship Security programs.  

A responsible safety net for our most vulnerable, including the elderly, disabled, and veterans, is supported. Housing assistance programs will help those experiencing hard times avoid homelessness and engage productively in their communities. I also commend the work to ensure our trust and treaty obligations are fulfilled through appropriate funding for Native American housing programs.

I would also note that this bill continues to assert the power of the purse—held solely by Congress. Members engaged in the needs of their constituents and secured two thousand three hundred fifteen projects requested by three hundred sixty-eight members to better communities across the nation.

Finally, it is also important to note what this bill does not do: it rejects calls by the Biden Administration to vastly expand climate change and Green New Deal-style programs and rolls back efforts by the Biden Administration to impose a controversial ideological agenda through executive orders and regulations.

This bill makes targeted investments to support infrastructure, safety, and the movement of people and goods across America.

I thank Chairman Womack for his hard work on this measure, and I urge all members of the Committee to support this bill.