Vote in Honor of a Veteran

Alabama is home to more than 400,000 Veterans. These brave men and women have made extreme sacrifices to defend our democracy. Alabamians can express their respect and appreciation through voting in honor of a veteran each time they head to the polls.

This Vote in Honor of a Veteran program recognizes the efforts made to protect our right to vote. This election, Vote in Honor of a Veteran by proudly wearing an "I Vote in Honor of a Veteran" sticker expressing your appreciation. Stickers will be given out after a voter submits his or her ballot on Election Day.

In addition, please fill out the form below to share a public tribute to a veteran or active duty service member.

Upon submitting your testimony and if you are interested, you will receive an "I Vote in Honor of a Veteran" <a href="/veteran/VoteToHonorVeteranStickers.pdf"="">lapel pin</a> in the mail along with a <a href="/veteran/VoteToHonorVeteranStickers.pdf"="">bumper sticker</a> to show your support and appreciation year-round.

The Secretary of State's Office is greatly appreciative of the resources and assistance provided by the Alabama Farmers Federation and ALFA Insurance to make this project possible.

In order to maintain the integrity of the data submitted, your information will be reviewed by the Secretary of State's Office before appearing on the list of Honored Veterans.

View Testimonials

Submit a Veteran Testimonial
Your Name
Your Email
Your Mailing Address
Your City
Your State
Your Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Veteran's Name *
Veteran's Home Town
Veteran's Branch *
Veteran's Rank
Veteran's Service Time
Testimonial *
* required fields