Answers to the most frequently asked questions about Asia Centre.

Asia Centre is a not-for-profit organisation that was first established in Bangkok, Thailand Bangkok in 2015. A second branch was initiated in Johor Bahru, Malaysia in 2018. It serves as a think-tank, meeting space, project partner and social enterprise.

To create social impact through its activities on issues affecting the region.

First, it undertakes evidence-based research to produce knowledge toolkits such as books, baseline studies, reports, policy briefs, commentaries, info-graphics and video-slideshows. Second, it organises events such as conferences, roundtables seminars and workshops for the capacity building of stakeholders. Third, the Centre undertakes advocacy through social media and media engagement.

Asia Centre nurtures a culture of giving among its staff, volunteers, interns, advisers, associates and participants. We believe that this adds values to the organisation and can bring together people to create social impact.

The Centre works with a range of project partners and these include educational institutions, research institutes, nongovernmental organizations, governmental institutions, intergovernmental organizations and businesses.

Asia Centre uses a mixed funding approach. For its overheads and core operations it generates income via its social enterprise activities related to space rentals, event management, commissioned research and project consultancies. It also responds to established international calls for funding proposals and grants for specific project related activities.

You can work with us by partnering on activities, projects and services, undertaking an internship and by volunteering. Apply to our popular internship programme see: https://asiacentre.org/internship-programme/ or inquire further by sending an email to [email protected]

First, you can support the Centre’s social enterprise activities by renting our space, using our event management service, commissioning research, engaging our consultancy services, purchasing our publications and buying our merchandise Second, you can also support us through core funding, investment, sponsorship (institutional or project-based) and donations. Third, you can spend your time interning, volunteering, promoting and attending Asia Centre events.

You can connect with Asia Centre through Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter and YouTube. You can also join our mailing list by sending an email request to [email protected]