Transforming words into works of art, one edit at a time!
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  • Highly qualified and experienced editors with subject expertise
  • 100% quality guarantee and on-time delivery guarantee
  • 100% confidentiality of your work

Services we offer

Explore our range of services specially curated for you

English Language Editing English Language Editing

English Language Editing

Enhance your English writing using our editing service. We polish the grammar, structure, and clarity while preserving the original intent. Make your science and research work shine for a lasting impact.
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Translation Services Translation Service

Translation Services

Break language barriers with our accurate and smooth translation service. Our experts retain the true meaning of your message, unlocking global opportunities and a world without communication obstacles.
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Plain Language Summary Plain Language Summary

Plain Language Summary

Simplify complex concepts with our plain language summary service. We transform complicated information and research papers into short, engaging summaries that maintain accuracy while ensuring that the reader understands.
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Our Editors

Take advantage of the expertise of our experienced editors

Editage Testimonials

What authors have said about us?

How it works?

Get your paper submission ready in 5 simple steps.


Step 1

You select the services you need and securely upload your manuscript

Step 2

We send you a customized quote and a turnaround time

Step 3

You approve the quote and place your request

Step 4

Our editors complete the work

Step 5

You pay and download the completed document

Why Choose us? 

Experience exceptional support, expertise, and
dedication for all your publishing needs



Our editing service is tailored to your field and industry. We have experts who specialize in your specific subject, which means that they understand the details and technical terms better. This results in more precise and impactful edits specific to your needs.
Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Our editing service has a robust quality-assurance process. This includes multiple rounds of editing and proofreading to identify errors, consistency checks, and adherence to style guidelines.
Confidentiality and Security

Confidentiality and Security

The confidentiality of your manuscript is paramount. We ensure that the editing service has strict data protection protocols and confidentiality agreements to safeguard your information.
Make your manuscript publication-ready with APS Author Services Try Now