AWS Data Exchange Documentation

Subscriber features

Subscribers can easily browse the AWS Data Exchange catalog to find hundreds of relevant and up-to-date commercial data products covering a wide range of industries, including financial services, healthcare, life sciences, geospatial, consumer, media & entertainment, and more. The AWS Data Exchange catalog also includes a large selection of free and open data products sourced from academic institutions, government entities, research institutions, and private companies. Because data providers have already published the data to AWS Data Exchange, subscribers can access this data (and new revisions) without the need to build custom tools and infrastructure specific to each data provider. Subscribers can easily go from finding data to analyzing it using the full portfolio of AWS data lake and analytics services.

Any applicable data subscription costs are consolidated on existing AWS invoices.

When providers publish new data, subscribers will receive an Amazon CloudWatch event that allows subscribers to consume new data as it's published. Subscribers can stay up to date with the latest data published by the provider without having to manage any physical media, FTP credentials, or other legacy technology. 

Provider features

AWS Data Exchange has step-by-step registration wizards to help data providers create a profile page, and complete registration. Providers will then be contacted by our team for a further qualification. Once qualified, providers will be able to list data products on the AWS Data Exchange catalog. Once qualified, a provider can easily upload and package data residing in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets or on-premises environments. Step-by-step wizards help providers upload product information, term, pricing, licensing and other listing information and publish data sets.

Data providers can create private products to issue data products exclusively to specific subscribers. These products do not appear on the public catalog and can include data that is either not meant to be generally available or is customized for a particular subscriber. Data providers can also create private offers with custom negotiated prices and/or terms to individual AWS customers. 

After publishing a data product, delivering existing subscriptions to customers using AWS Data Exchange is easy. Data providers can create a Bring-Your-Own-Subscription (BYOS) offer specifying existing agreement and subscriber details for no additional cost.

AWS Data Exchange encrypts all data in transit and at rest. Data in transit is secured using SSL/TLS and data at rest is protected using server-side encryption.

Data providers can use AWS Data Exchange’s Subscription Verification to approve subscriber access, protecting their intellectual property rights and managing regulatory and compliance requirements. This can be useful for restricted, regulated, or limited-access products. For example, providers might only grant a subscription to verified subscribers or subscribers with approved use cases. 

AWS Data Exchange integrates with AWS CloudTrail to enable providers and subscribers to audit all AWS Data Exchange API calls made by a user, role, or any AWS service in their AWS account. Using the information collected by CloudTrail, customers can see all requests on resources they own. 

Zusätzliche Informationen

For additional information about service controls, security features and functionalities, including, as applicable, information about storing, retrieving, modifying, restricting, and deleting data, please see This additional information does not form part of the Documentation for purposes of the AWS Customer Agreement available at, or other agreement between you and AWS governing your use of AWS’s services.