AWS Elemental MediaConvert Documentation

AWS Elemental MediaConvert is a file-based video processing service that allows video providers with any size content library to transcode on-demand content for broadcast and multiscreen delivery. Used as a standalone service or integrated with other AWS Media Services, AWS Elemental MediaConvert lets you build flexible file-based video workflows with full control over video quality.

Broadcast Capabilities for Video-on-Demand Content

AWS Elemental MediaConvert gives you a broad set of features to create engaging viewing experiences, including graphic overlays, content protection, multi-language audio, closed captioning support, and professional broadcast formats.

Broad Input and Output Support

AWS Elemental MediaConvert supports a broad range of video input and output formats, including those for broadcast as well as formats for delivery over the internet. It also supports a broad range of adaptive bitrate packaging formats. AWS Elemental MediaConvert also supports processing and conversion of 4K and 8K resolution sources, and high dynamic range (HDR) video content.

Simplified Resource Provisioning

AWS Elemental MediaConvert simplifies key aspects of workload provisioning and management. Simply use the AWS Management Console or the API to launch video processing workloads configured to your specifications. AWS Elemental MediaConvert helps manage resource provisioning and optimization, service orchestration, scaling, healing, resiliency failover, monitoring, and reporting. 

Built-in Reliability

Each job you create with AWS Elemental MediaConvert runs on redundant infrastructure. The service helps you monitor resources for health and replaces any degraded components. You can configure AWS Elemental MediaConvert to scale to handle peak workloads, and provision resources in step with demand for your video content. Incorporating features like error handling is straightforward, allowing you to monitor the entire media workflow and take actions, such as issuing notifications, in real-time.

Zusätzliche Informationen

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