Amazon Nimble Studio Documentation

With Amazon Nimble Studio, you can accelerate your migration of your studio to the cloud.

Create a new studio environment in which creative talent can access virtual workstations powered by Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, with NVIDIA Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), and high-speed storage from Amazon FSx. With support for both Windows and Linux operating systems, artists can work with their preferred third-party creative applications and custom software applications using Amazon Machine Images (AMIs). Additionally, studios can use custom software applications and bring them into Nimble Studio via Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), ensuring a seamless on-premises to cloud migration. When ready to render images, Nimble Studio is designed to scale your compute resources with AWS Thinkbox Deadline.

Managed Studio Infrastructure

A way for digital content creators to build and operate a studio in the cloud with virtual workstations, cloud rendering, and shared storage to produce visual effects, animation, and interactive content.
Virtual Workstations
Nimble Studio includes on-demand virtual workstations via the NICE DCV remote display protocol. This is designed to allow a browser or local client, such as a laptop to meet high-fidelity content creation's workflow demands. You can accommodate the way your artists work, such as using hotkeys or pen tablets, and scale workstation instance types based on the complexity of artistic tasks. Artists can leverage multiple instance types.
High-Speed Storage
Nimble Studio customers can access high-speed storage, including Amazon FSx, which provides storage for content creation. You can stream both Linux and Windows while connected to the same storage for mixed OS production environments. Additionally, you can bring your own cloud-based storage solution, such as Qumulo or WekaIO.
Scalable Render Farm
Nimble Studio is designed to scale your rendering workloads to tens of thousands of cores in minutes. Utilizing the Render Farm Deployment Kit (RFDK) and AWS Thinkbox Deadline for render orchestration, Nimble Studio provides an integrated render farm that leveraging EC2 Spot pricing. You can also scale down, providing compute elasticity and cost control.


Nimble Studio is designed to allow you to bring your pipelines, workflows, applications, tools, and processes to Nimble Studio.

Nimble Studio's StudioBuilder helps you create a virtual studio from scratch. Walk through and set up your studio by creating networking, render farm, and storage resources. The StudioBuilder process creates and deploys new resources into your region of choice, designed to help you build a studio in just a few hours. You can also re-run StudioBuilder to add additional resources.

Launch Profile
Launch Profiles let you share necessary studio resources with artists to accomplish production tasks. Administrators can define and share the virtual workstations, necessary software, file system access, and the render farm. Launch Profiles uses a simple sharing mechanism to simplify resource assignment to your artists.
Artist-Friendly Portal UI
The Nimble Studio portal user interface (UI) simplifies artist onboarding, so they can focus more on creative output. Artists simply login into the Nimble Studio portal UI and launch the virtual workstation needed to complete tasks. Studio administrators can easily share Launch Profiles with artists based on the characteristics of the projects they are currently working on.
Take advantage of a full set of APIs to integrate proprietary tools into your workflow. Use the Nimble Studio API to extend your studio's functionality and leverage additional AWS services.
User Management
Nimble Studio uses AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS SSO) to provide secure artist access to web identities in the Nimble Studio portal. Nimble Studio portal includes workstation and file system access control via AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory (AD), enabling directory-aware workloads for your production security needs. Nimble Studio gives account administrators and project owners the ability to share projects, add or remove artists, and control download access rights to sensitive data for added security on the (streaming) virtual workstations.

Zusätzliche Informationen

For additional information about service controls, security features and functionalities, including, as applicable, information about storing, retrieving, modifying, restricting, and deleting data, please see This information does not form part of the Documentation for purposes of the AWS Customer Agreement available at, or other agreement between you and AWS governing your use of AWS’s services.