Build IoT Solutions

for Free on AWS

IoT services for industrial, consumer, and commercial solutions

Learn more about AWS IoT 

Product Benefits

There are billions of devices in homes, factories, oil wells, hospitals, cars, and thousands of other places. With the proliferation of devices, you increasingly need solutions to connect them, and collect, store, and analyze device data.

Broad & Deep

AWS has broad and deep IoT services, from the edge to the cloud. AWS IoT is the only cloud vendor to bring together data management and rich analytics in easy to use services designed for noisy IoT data.

Multi-Layered Security

AWS IoT offers services for all layers of security, including preventive security mechanisms, like encryption and access control to device data, and a service to continuously monitor and audit configurations.

Superior AI Integration

AWS brings AI and IoT together to make devices more intelligent. You can create models in the cloud and deploy them to devices where they run 2x faster compared to other offerings.

Proven at Scale

AWS IoT is built on a secure and proven cloud infrastructure, and scales to billions of devices and trillions of messages. AWS IoT integrates with other AWS services, so you can build complete solutions.

Free Product Offers

Build IoT solutions using these product offers from the AWS Free Tier.


AWS IoT Core

Connectivity & Control Services

Connect IoT devices to the AWS cloud without the need to provision or manage servers

12 Months Free

250,000 Messages (published or delivered) per month

AWS IoT Core Pricing

AWS IoT Device Management

Connectivity & Control Services

Onboard, organize, monitor, and remotely manage connected devices at scale.

12 Months Free

50 remote actions per month.

AWS IoT Device Management Pricing

AWS IoT Device Defender

Connectivity & Control Services

A fully managed service that helps you secure your fleet of IoT devices.

Free Trial

audit of all devices in your fleet in the first month

1 million metric datapoints for one month

AWS IoT Device Defender Pricing

AWS IoT Events

Analytics Services

AWS IoT Events is a fully managed IoT service that makes it easy to detect and respond to events from IoT sensors and applications.

12 Months Free

2,500 message evaluations per month

AWS IoT Events Pricing

AWS IoT SiteWise

Analytics Services

A managed service that makes it easy to collect, store, organize, and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale to help you make better, data-driven decisions.

Not Available on the AWS Free Tier

AWS IoT SiteWise Pricing

AWS IoT Greengrass

Device Software

Local compute, messaging, data caching, and sync capabilities for connected devices.

12 Months Free

devices for free

AWS IoT Greengrass Pricing


Edge Computing

Open source, real-time operating system for microcontrollers that makes small, low-power edge devices easy to program, deploy, secure, connect, and manage.

Always Free

FreeRTOS Pricing

Learn more about AWS IoT solutions

Browse through our collection of videos and tutorials to deepen your knowledge and experience with AWS

  • Videos
  • Transforming your Business with AWS IoT (1:42)
    AWS IoT for the Connected Home (1:47)
    AWS IoT for the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) (1:56)
    What is AWS IoT Greengrass? (1:51)
  • Getting Started Tutorials
  • How to Get Started with AWS IoT Core Quick Connect (7:12)
    How to Get Started with Secure Tunneling for AWS IoT Device Management (9:11)
    How to Get Started with Rules Engine for AWS IoT Core (9:30)
    How to Get Started with AWS IoT SiteWise - Intro (7:12)

Build IoT Solutions for Free on AWS

IoT services for industrial, consumer, and commercial solutions

Explore our product benefits

Broad & Deep

AWS has broad and deep IoT services, from the edge to the cloud. AWS IoT is the only cloud vendor to bring together data management and rich analytics in easy to use services designed for noisy IoT data.

Multi-Layered Security

AWS IoT offers services for all layers of security, including preventive security mechanisms, like encryption and access control to device data, and a service to continuously monitor and audit configurations.

Superior AI Integration

AWS brings AI and IoT together to make devices more intelligent. You can create models in the cloud and deploy them to devices where they run 2x faster compared to other offerings.

Proven at Scale

AWS IoT is built on a secure and proven cloud infrastructure, and scales to billions of devices and trillions of messages. AWS IoT integrates with other AWS services, so you can build complete solutions.

Free Product Offers

Begin your migration to the cloud using these product offers from the AWS Free Tier

Amazon Lightsail
AWS IoT Core
Connect IoT devices to the AWS cloud without the need to provision or manage servers.

250,000 Messages 
(published or delivered) per month.

AWS IoT Core Pricing »
Amazon Lightsail
AWS IoT Device Management
Onboard, organize, monitor, and remotely manage connected devices at scale.

50 remote actions per month.

AWS IoT Device Management Pricing »
AWS IoT Device Defender
A fully managed service that helps you secure your fleet of IoT devices.

1 audit of all devices in your fleet in the first month

1 million metric datapoints for one month

AWS IoT Device Defender Pricing »
AWS IoT Events
AWS IoT Events is a fully managed IoT service that makes it easy to detect and respond to events from IoT sensors and applications.

2,500 message 
evaluations per month

AWS IoT Events Pricing »
Open source, real-time operating system for microcontrollers that makes small, low-power edge devices easy to program, deploy, secure, connect, and manage.

2,500 message 
evaluations per month

FreeRTOS Pricing »
AWS IoT Greengrass
Local compute, messaging, data caching, and sync capabilities for connected devices.

3 devices for free

AWS IoT Greengrass Pricing »
AWS IoT SiteWise
A managed service that makes it easy to collect, store, organize, and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale to help you make better, data-driven decisions.
Not Available on the AWS Free Tier
AWS IoT SiteWise Pricing »
AWS Lambda
Sign up for an AWS Account
Creating an AWS account is free and gives you immediate access to the AWS Free Tier.

Learn more about AWS IoT solutions

  • Videos
  • Transforming your Business with AWS IoT (1:42)
    AWS IoT for the Connected Home (1:47)
    AWS IoT for the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) (1:56)
    What is AWS IoT Greengrass? (1:51)
  • Tutorials
  • How to Get Started with AWS IoT Core Quick Connect (7:12)
    How to Get Started with Secure Tunneling for AWS IoT Device Management (9:11)
    How to Get Started with Rules Engine for AWS IoT Core (9:30)
    How to Get Started with AWS IoT SiteWise - Intro (7:12)

AWS Free Tier

The AWS Free Tier offers users an opportunity to explore products for free, with offers including products that are always free, free for 12 months, and short-term free trials.

Beginnen Sie

Creating an AWS account is free and gives you immediate access to the AWS Free Tier.