What is boilerplate code?

Boilerplate code is computer language text that you can reuse with little or no alteration in several different contexts. The term originates from document management, where you reuse document templates or boilerplate with minimal changes for different situations. For example, lawyers use contract boilerplate that they can quickly customize for customers in different industries. Similarly, software developers reuse boilerplate code with small changes in various program modules. With some modern programming languages, you can minimize boilerplate code by encapsulating it in functions, classes, and other programming structures.

What are the benefits of boilerplate code?

Boilerplate codes range from simple definitions to software functions that perform specific tasks. When they develop applications, programmers write codes that might be repeated unnecessarily. Developers use boilerplate codes to program more efficiently while ensuring software quality.

We share several advantages of boilerplate code next. They can be a great help when you use them appropriately.

Enables code reusability

Boilerplate codes are instrumental for reusable programming, where developers can apply previously written codes in subsequent modules they create. When programming, developers can identify seemingly repetitive code and turn it into boilerplate. Instead of writing the entire source code from scratch, they copy and paste the boilerplate codes when and as needed. 

Provides applicable solutions

Boilerplate code provides a reference for developers when they write software functions they’re not familiar with. Conventionally, developers would need to write the entire code from scratch and test if it works. This is no longer the case.

For example, you can use boilerplate for webpages when you start a web development project. You don't have to recreate the basic HTML structure that any webpage requires.

Allows knowledge sharing

Developers continuously improve their codes as they perform software tests and quality checks. They can use boilerplate to consolidate these improvements.

For example, each time a programmer discovers bugs in the boilerplate codes, they can make improvements and document changes in the boilerplate. This way, every programmer that applies the reusable code will benefit from the optimization. 

Improves code quality

Boilerplate codes reduce the risk of coding mistakes and improve software quality. When you use boilerplate codes, you enable software functionalities with codes that have been thoroughly tested. Only a few lines of code need to be written to add customized or minor functionality to the software.

Moreover, using a programming boilerplate helps software teams maintain a proper coding standard and consistent programming language styles across the source code.  

Reduces coding time

Programming boilerplate simplifies the software development process by removing the need to repeat codes unnecessarily. With reusable codes, even novice developers can start similar projects quickly without a steep learning curve. They can insert and use boilerplate with little or no alteration to add software functions that typically take longer to build. 

What are some examples of boilerplate code?

Boilerplate refers to sections of code that you can use to improve coding efficiency and quality in many programming languages and applications. We share several examples next.

Class declaration

Boilerplate is common in object-oriented programming (OOP) and hybrid languages that represent objects with classes.

Consider the following code snippet. Both getName and setName are boilerplate codes that developers can call in multiple Customer class declarations without rewriting the codes:

public class Customer{

private String name; 


  public String getName() {

     return name;


  public void setName(String name) {

     this.name = name;



Function encapsulation

You can also use a boilerplate to encapsulate a software function commonly repeated in an application.

For example, the following snippet shows a reusable code that developers can call to open and read a file. Developers can copy and paste the entire code and include their own codes to process the extracted information:

try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName))) {

    String text;

    while (Objects.nonNull(text = reader.readLine())) {

      // insert code to process read info



} catch (IOException e) {

  String message = String.format(“read file(%s) exception”, fileName);

log.error(message, e);

  throw new ExampleException(message, e);


Webpage template

Web developers use boilerplate as a template to build a webpage. Typically, the boilerplate includes meta declarations, default configurations, and tags that they can modify.

The following boilerplate code is an example of what developers might use to create a blank webpage:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


   <meta charset="UTF-8">

     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">

     <title>Webpage Title</title>

     <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">



<script src="index.js"></script>



Database management

Most applications store and process data in databases. Developers use a boilerplate similar to the following snippet to simplify codes for database connections and data queries. They can populate the standardized code structure with customized data management functions that they can repeat throughout the application. Here's an example:

public class Database { 

private Connection conn; 

public void connect() { 

// insert codes for database connection

public void disconnect() { 

// insert codes for database disconnection

public ResultSet runQuery(String query) 

// insert codes to run a query

return null; 



When and how should boilerplate code be used?

Because of its versatility, developers use boilerplate across various project types and sizes. Next, we discuss some scenarios where you could benefit from boilerplate code.


Scaffolding is when you use boilerplate code for basic situations that don’t involve abstractions or integrations of complex software components.

In smaller projects, scaffolding provides a basic structure, so developers can focus on incorporating new features and business logic. It lets developers use almost all the code with little modification to create software or web applications.

Code sharing

Some developers build and share their boilerplate codes with the development community. They make the boilerplate available for download and encourage discussion to improve the underlying code.

Meanwhile, some organizations create their own boilerplate to support large-scale developments. These boilerplate codes are more complex and have these requirements:

  • Consist of well-documented codes, so developers can reuse them easily
  • Adhere to standard coding practices and structure to maintain consistency
  • Provide tools to set up, prototype, and test boilerplate usage in the source codes
  • Include API modules support for third-party integrations
  • Scale in a collaborative environment

Code consistency

There are no strict rules of when to create boilerplate and use them in your codes. However, if you’re writing the same function codes several times in the application, it’s better to turn them into boilerplate.

When you use boilerplate, you can replicate a software function consistently while reducing the risk of committing coding mistakes. Here are some examples:

  • Programmers use boilerplate to insert similar preamble declarations on top of their source files
  • Novice programmers use field-proven boilerplate in respective and similar projects as examples, which they later modify
  • Developers call software functions encapsulated in a Java class with boilerplate instead of writing repetitive codes for similar purposes

When shouldn't you use boilerplate code?

While boilerplate code helps optimize the software development process, there are situations where alternative approaches are better.

Boilerplate shouldn't replace functions

Boilerplate shouldn't be used instead of software functions. If a programmer must write a lot of code despite applying a boilerplate, then it’s better to write an original function. Likewise, creating a software function is the better option if you find yourself modifying the boilerplate’s structure extensively. 

Boilerplate shouldn't replace frameworks

A framework is a collection of reusable software components that make it more efficient to develop new applications. Use a framework instead of a boilerplate if you need a ready-made structure comprising all technological stacks required for your project needs. A framework lets you standardize whole projects.

In contrast, boilerplate code is more helpful in simplifying sections of code. For example, web designers can use boilerplate code to provide simple PHP functions. And they can use a framework to add content to a ready-to-publish website.

Read about frameworks »

Boilerplate shouldn't increase code complexity

Be mindful of code duplication when you use boilerplate for software functions. Too many repetitions will lead to a bloated code footprint.

For example, consider a situation where you use the same copies of codes that make API calls to external services several times. Instead, extracting the duplicates into a new procedural call is better to improve code maintenance and reduce application size. 

Similarly, some projects need to be more agile when adopting technological changes. A boilerplate code might not support requirements beyond the purpose it was built for. In such cases, it’s better to develop the software components from scratch or use available frameworks. 

How can AWS support your boilerplate code requirements?

The cloud has democratized application development. Through providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), you get on-demand access to infrastructure resources. However, the traditional process of building software applications still requires developers to spend time writing boilerplate sections of code. And they aren’t directly related to the core problems developers want to solve.

Even the most experienced developers find it difficult to keep up with multiple programming languages, frameworks, and software libraries. And they have to follow the correct programming syntax and best coding practices. As a result, developers can spend significant time searching and customizing code snippets from the web. 

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