What is remote monitoring and management?

Remote monitoring and management (RMM) is the technology you use to observe and maintain your IT infrastructure and Internet of Things (IoT) smart devices remotely. Monitoring is critical to ensure your organization uses IT resources efficiently and prevent outages. Administrators can use RMM solutions to observe infrastructure usage and software processes like operating systems, CPU, and networking threads in real time. Traditionally, administrators used RMM software to remotely monitor and configure physical hardware resources stored in an organization’s on-premises data center. Modern RMM solutions support both on-premises and cloud infrastructure monitoring, as well as remote smart device management, to improve efficiency and cost optimization.

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What are the benefits of remote monitoring and management software?

Remote monitoring and management software offer many benefits, like the following.

Remote troubleshooting

System administrators and IT admins can use RMM services to access endpoint devices from a centralized system. Remote access helps them fix or troubleshoot all connected devices without having to travel to them. It allows for proactive issue detection and management.

Remote security management

Remote management makes it easier to monitor security and compliance features. Admins can proactively monitor client endpoints to streamline security and decrease response times. For example, they can monitor firewalls, detect unauthorized access, or manage antivirus software remotely. They can also perform upgrades and patch management to ensure all networked devices are secure.


RMM technology removes the need for on-site visits, which helps to reduce downtime. If a device fails, you can use an RMM tool to locate and fix the problem immediately and remotely. A good RMM platform also minimizes labor costs as it reduces the need for extensive in-house IT departments. The cost savings it provides helps businesses scale their IT architecture economically.

Enhanced productivity

You can perform all routine maintenance tasks, proactive monitoring, and network management from a single RMM console. Admins can use the centralized dashboard to optimize resource distribution, as all the relevant information is in a single place. Real-time monitoring provides a clear picture of the current health of your IT systems. Accessing these devices remotely saves manual time, which helps to optimize your overall system and boost efficiency. 

What are the use cases of RMM software?

Remote monitoring and management software helps ensure optimal network performance and monitoring. We give some example use cases below.


Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) typically do not have extensive in-house IT teams. They rely on RMM software to monitor their systems and devices more efficiently. Remote monitoring and management software helps SMBs to monitor all systems from a single location using a small and agile team. It provides insights for all endpoints, including laptops, servers, desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. The flexibility of RMM tools makes real-time monitoring and alert detection cost-effective for SMBs.

Managed service providers

A managed service provider (MSP) offers outsourced IT services to other businesses. These services could be anything from cybersecurity management to cloud optimization solutions. Remote monitoring and management is a standard service outsourced to MSPs, as many companies don’t have extensive in-house teams to manage their own IT and tech stacks. Some companies also manage backups and implement disaster recovery solutions through MSPs.

Managed service providers use RMM software to remotely manage the IT environments of their customers. They can detect issues, perform maintenance, and offer reliable service even from a distance. RMM solutions allow the MSP business to manage, govern, and safeguard clients worldwide. 

IoT sensor management

RMM tools allow organizations to manage thousands of IoT sensors at scale from a central location. For example, administrators can easily accomplish these tasks:

  • Monitor equipment’s metadata and set policy changes with service alerts to stay informed about device configuration or unusual behaviors
  • Perform bulk updates, patch management functions, and define continuous jobs for automatic updates
  • Create logical groups of devices, such as all sensors in a specific area, to organize and target the fleet for remote actions with a few clicks

Administrators can use the RMM to index metadata, understand the device state, and optimize device search and identification. For instance, you can quickly find and count sensors deployed with a specific firmware version.

How does remote monitoring and management work?

How RMM software works changes depending on whether you use the traditional RMM model or the modern RMM model. 

Traditional RMM software

When you use traditional RMM software, you install an RMM agent onto the device you want to monitor. Over time, the RMM agent collects data about that device, including its performance, hardware status, network information, and operating system. It sends all the information it collects to a centralized system. The central system monitors the data and creates reports for viewing the data. If there are any outliers in terms of performance or security events, the it also alerts the administrators. 

The administrators access the connected device from the centralized platform. They can troubleshoot, perform updates, and load patches without having physical contact with the device.

Modern RMM software

With the rise of cloud-based technology, modern RMM systems now collect data from cloud servers and APIs without having individual agents on every connected device. They collect information from cloud environments and other sources simultaneously. This comprehensive approach pulls information from the entire IT environment instead of just the select devices with the installed agent. Cloud-based infrastructure thus provides real-time insight into the performance and security of everything connected to the cloud.

Similar to the traditional solution, administrators access all information from a centralized dashboard. They can troubleshoot, manage, configure, and update cloud-based resources from this dashboard if necessary. 

The core advantage that modern RMM software has is its scalability. Cloud-based RMM solutions can scale with the business, which makes them a good match for companies that are growing or have changing needs.

How can AWS help with your remote monitoring and management requirements?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a powerful solution for your RMM requirements. Amazon CloudWatch is a fully managed service that monitors resources and applications on AWS, on premises, and in other clouds.

With Amazon CloudWatch, you can do the following and more:

  • Collect, access, and analyze your application data and resources with powerful visualization tools
  • Seamlessly integrate more than 70 AWS services for optimized monitoring, scalability, and observability
  • Troubleshoot problems with actionable insights suggested by the CloudWatch dashboard

If your organization manages a large fleet of IoT devices and sensors, you can use AWS IoT Device Management. You can register, organize, remotely monitor, and manage IoT devices at scale and automatically send aggregate information to CloudWatch. You can also monitor the aggregate state of your fleet over time.

Get started with remote monitoring and management on AWS by creating an account today.

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