What is security analytics?

Security analytics is the combination of tools used to identify, protect, and troubleshoot security events that threaten your IT system using real-time and historical data.

How does security analytics relate to SIEM?

Security information and event management systems (SIEM) have been in use for two decades. They’re used in on-premise environments to monitor devices for specific events, gather and aggregate data. Security analytics is a broader offering built in the cloud. As data volume continue rising, SIEM is no longer the preferred solution. Security analytics are more dynamic and with it, you can identify common threats and pinpoint malicious actors. Actors use different techniques that confuse SIEM solutions. Security analytics are immune to this challenge. The predictive methodologies in security analytics profile these techniques. With this profile, security analytics can identify new behaviors and take measures to protect your system.  

What are the upcoming opportunities in security analytics?

Soon, advanced vector mapping will be available. Using this, your organization can determine what attack techniques actors are using to escalate or gain access to privileged data. With this technology, you can standardize the attacker framework and improve security. Machine learning (ML) will have an impact on security analytics in the coming years as machine-driven threat detection brings an added measure of protection.

Why is security analytics important?

Security analytics is important because it allows you to detect threats before they impact your system.

Who uses security analytics?

The Security Operations team consisting of analysts, engineers, and other frontline members use security analytics the most. On the executive level, CIOs and CSOs use it to make sure sensitive data has protection.

What are the benefits of security analytics?

Security analytics strengthens your security posture in several ways. First, it protects from unauthorized access. Security analytics also allows you to detect, investigate, and respond to threats before they impact your system. Threats can be similar in nature. With security analytics you can profile threats and log the remedies for future attacks. This saves time, resources, and efficiency. Lastly, security analytics ensures your organization is compliant with industry and government regulations.

What are the challenges of security analytics?

Data assessment is a challenging aspect of security analytics. For a solution to work properly, you must be able to handle structured and unstructured data to arrive at an accurate assessment. Identifying attack patterns is another challenge. Attackers are becoming more dynamic, using increasingly complex techniques and tactics. With security analytics you can conduct root cause investigations to pinpoint their patterns and store your findings for future use. Attackers are aware of this and are targeting and looking to disrupt those findings. Protecting this information, prioritizing threats, and keeping pace with attacker efforts is a must.

What are the AWS offerings for security analytics?

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