আমাদের সম্পর্কে

Building a world free from all forms of exploitation and discrimination where everyone has the opportunity to realise their potential.

Non-profit Organizations
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এ কর্মচারী BRAC


  • BRAC-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ৫,৪১,৬৬৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    We called, you responded. Sending our gratitude to all individuals, donor agencies and organisations who have supported us in delivering essential support to those most affected by the recent floods in Bangladesh. People across 11 districts of the country have been severely impacted by the worst floods Bangladesh has seen in three decades. BRAC’s dedicated field staff have been working around the clock to provide emergency relief and rehabilitation for the people most affected. Bangladesh is calling, will you respond?  To donate, please visit: https://lnkd.in/dAd4wpeW To donate via PayPal or Venmo from outside Bangladesh visit www.bracusa.org

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • BRAC এটি পুনরায় পোস্ট করেছেন

    BRAC International-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ২৭,২৩৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    From owning no livestock to 35 goats in just 12 months — how did Asha, Angelina, Jennifer, and their community in rural Tanzania make this change and start a thriving business together? This International Literacy Day, discover how financial literacy is empowering women across five countries to realise their potential. Read our latest #blog on the FinDev Gateway: https://lnkd.in/gKjFY48T #internationalliteracyday #literacyday #celebrateliteracy #literacyforall #brac #PowerHerPotential

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • BRAC-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ৫,৪১,৬৬৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    BRAC’s teams are on the ground, supporting people affected by the worst flooding Bangladesh has seen in three decades. Every bit of support matters right now for emergency relief and rehabilitation. Stand with us as we stand beside Bangladesh. To donate, please visit: https://lnkd.in/dAd4wpeW To donate via PayPal or Venmo from outside Bangladesh visit www.bracusa.org

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • BRAC-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ৫,৪১,৬৬৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    BRAC and the UHC Forum, a coalition of multi-skilled professionals dedicated to advancing Universal Health Coverage (UHC), held a dialogue in the city that called for quick attention to post-flood health challenges. The dialogue, chaired by convenor of UHC Forum and Chairperson of BRAC, Dr. Hossain Zillur Rahman, aimed to discuss the multidimensional health crises precipitated by the floods and to identify key action priorities to address the urgent needs on the ground. BRAC's Executive Director Asif Saleh was present. Read more: https://lnkd.in/gEdYcxH9

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • BRAC-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ৫,৪১,৬৬৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    “The day after the flood hit my area in Moulvibazar, northeastern Bangladesh, I mobilised my team to deliver emergency relief to the people worst affected. We learned that the situation in Rajnagar - a remote area in Moulvibazar - was particularly worse. Roads were inundated, and going there by boat was proving to be quite challenging. No one was being able to reach that area with emergency response. We decided to do it. On our way, there were times when our boat got stuck. We had to get into the water and push it to keep moving. After a strenuous boatride, our teams finally managed to reach the area, and distributed 400 packets of emergency aid - including food, drinking water, oral saline, and sanitary napkins - to communities in five villages in the area. As a human resources manager, my area of work is mainly looking after recruitment, payroll preparation, etc. However, when the crisis unfolded in front of my eyes, I couldn’t sit in the safety of my office and do nothing. I jumped into action to support those who needed it the most.” -AKM Tofail Ahmed, BRAC staff member, Moulvibazar, northeastern Bangladesh. #NotJustAnyJob Stand with us as we stand beside Bangladesh. To donate, please visit: https://lnkd.in/dAd4wpeW To donate via PayPal or Venmo from outside Bangladesh visit www.bracusa.org  

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • BRAC-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ৫,৪১,৬৬৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    Trigger Warning: Sensitive Content “I’m Arafat, a father to a seven year old son and a chauffeur. Everyday, I wake up early in the morning to go to work. July 18th was no different. I drove my employer to his office in Uttara (Sector 7) and went off to have breakfast after dropping him off.  While having breakfast, I met my cousin who joined me. We were talking when we saw a large group of students gathering on the main road and protesting. Since the student protests started on 1st July, I stayed updated on the news. I wanted to find ways to support the students but never had the chance - until now. The protests were getting heated up and more people continued to gather. My cousin and I joined. We saw someone bringing food and water that needed to be distributed among the students. We reached out to help. Around 12:00 PM shots were fired at the students and many were getting injured. I saw an injured student and went to help. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain just below my left knee. My body was giving out as I started to lose consciousness. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a hospital. My left knee was hurting a lot. I knew something was wrong. Two days later my leg was amputated. The doctors could not save it as I had already lost excessive blood from there and my leg lost its sense of movement - it was starting to become septic. I left my wife and son at home. I initially asked my cousin not to inform them. They would be mentally devastated if they knew. When they finally found out, they came to the hospital and cried a lot. Seeing me in my state with one leg amputated, my son tried to comfort me with tears in his eyes saying, ‘Don't worry baba (father), when I grow up and start earning, I'll get you a new leg.’ I couldn't hold back my tears. My entire family depends on my income. This year, I enrolled my son in a madrasa (Islamic institution), hoping to provide him with a good education. Now, I’m uncertain how much work I can do with one leg. My son’s future seems uncertain as well. I’ve been thinking - will my dream of giving my son a good education remain just a dream? Will there ever be a day when I can stand on two legs again and walk like before? Many people like Arafat have lost their limbs during the student protests in Bangladesh. The BRAC Limb and Brace Centre is supporting them with prosthetics free of cost. For support contact us at: 01711221788, 01708812613, 01730329588 (except on Fridays and public holidays).

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • BRAC-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ৫,৪১,৬৬৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    Asif Saleh, Executive Director of BRAC, has recently met a group of newly-recruited staff members in a session titled ‘Meet the Leader’ to share his insights on what it's like to work with the world's largest development organisation.    The session was held as a part of an onboarding journey to facilitate new joiners to dive into BRAC’s work culture and align themselves to its values. #NotJustAnyJob

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • BRAC-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ৫,৪১,৬৬৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    BRAC’s teams are on the ground, supporting people affected by the worst flooding Bangladesh has seen in three decades. Every bit of support matters right now for emergency relief and rehabilitation. Stand with us as we stand beside Bangladesh. To donate, please visit: https://lnkd.in/dAd4wpeW To donate via PayPal or Venmo from outside Bangladesh visit www.bracusa.org

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • BRAC-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ৫,৪১,৬৬৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    “Can you help anybody from your place by simply giving directions?” We visited the Burichang sub-district in Cumilla district, southern Bangladesh a few days ago. The floodwaters had merged the roads, canals and fields into one vast expanse of water in the area. As we came near our site of work, I saw people gathering on the road. I assumed they were waiting for emergency relief. A bit later, I noticed that whenever a relief truck approached, these people would move to the sides of the road and give directions to the truck drivers so that they could avoid slopes that would make the trucks skid. As I was walking ahead, I saw a woman in a burqa (Islamic veil) standing waist-deep in water. Neither the scorching heat nor the floodwaters could deter her. She was calling out to a truck driver, ‘Brother! There's a pothole exactly where you’re standing. You need to move away from it!’ At 11AM in the morning, as one of the trucks was passing by, it came close to a pothole and tilted slightly. Fearing the truck might overturn, everyone moved back. One brave soul, the woman I saw in a burqa, stayed put. She was calmly giving instructions, ‘Move slowly, just a little more...now pull straight ahead!’ When I returned to that site around 3PM in the afternoon, the people were still there, standing firm. The water hadn't receded, nor did the people retreat. In times of crisis, it’s only natural for everyone to come together and support each other, no matter the circumstance.” - Kazuki Kunimoto, BRAC BRAC’s teams are on the ground, supporting people affected by the worst flooding Bangladesh has seen in three decades. Every bit of support matters right now for emergency relief and rehabilitation. Stand with us as we stand beside Bangladesh. To donate, please visit: https://lnkd.in/dAd4wpeW To donate via PayPal or Venmo from outside Bangladesh visit www.bracusa.org

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই
  • BRAC-এর জন্য সংস্থার পেজ দেখুন, গ্রাফিক

    ৫,৪১,৬৬৯ জন ফলোয়ার

    BRAC’s teams are on the ground, supporting people affected by the worst flooding Bangladesh has seen in three decades. Every bit of support matters right now for emergency relief and rehabilitation. Stand with us as we stand beside Bangladesh. To donate, please visit: https://lnkd.in/dAd4wpeW To donate via PayPal or Venmo from outside Bangladesh visit www.bracusa.org

    • এই চিত্রের জন্য কোনও বিকল্প পাঠ্য বিবরণ নেই

অধিভুক্ত পাতা

অনুরূপ পাতা


BRAC ১ মোট রাউন্ড

শেষ রাউন্ড

ঋণ অর্থায়ন

৫,০০,০০,০০০.০০ US$


ক্রাঞ্চবেসে আরও তথ্য দেখুন