VMPC-Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada

VMPC-Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada

Professionelles Training und Coaching

Building Excellence in Volunteer Management

Über uns

Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada (VMPC) was founded in 1980 and is the champion in the field of Volunteer Management. Dedicated to advocacy, capacity building and networking, it connects and empowers a network of professionals and passionately elevates the quality of volunteerism in Canada. VMPC collaborates with provincial, national and international organizations to support its membership and strives for volunteer resources management to be recognized and respected as a leading profession of choice.

Professionelles Training und Coaching
Größe des Unternehmens
201-500 Mitarbeiter
[email protected]
Professional and credible recognition with the only National professional association for those working in the field of Volunteer Management


Employees at VMPC-Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada


  • VMPC-Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada reposted this

    Did you attend or watch Volunteer Canada’s webinar on January 24, 2024 - How to Harness the Power of Data which demonstrated the features of the Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering? We are interested in learning more about your experience with the Data Hub. Share your feedback through this poll: https://lnkd.in/gCsqfB8M, which will take about 5 minutes to complete. The poll will close on Monday, September 30, 2024. Did you miss the webinar? Click this link if you are interested in watching the recording of the webinar: https://lnkd.in/gzGF5iJd Thank you for your valuable feedback! . . . #CanadianKnowledgeHub #GivingAndVolunteering #VMPC #LoVols #Volunteerism #VolunteerEngagement #VolunteerCanada #CanadaCharity #CanadianNonprofit #GivingVolunteeringDataCA

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  • We hear this all of the time... volunteer managers wear so many hats! What's missing from our list below!? Managers of volunteers often juggle a variety of roles, or "hats," reflecting our diverse responsibilities. Here are some common professional "hats" volunteer managers wear: Volunteer Outreach Coordinator – Finding and inviting new volunteers to join our cause. Volunteer Trainer – Equipping volunteers with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. Support and Development Coach – Guiding and supporting volunteers to ensure they feel confident and valued in their roles. Impact Assessor – Evaluating the contributions and experiences of our volunteers to continuously improve our programs. Volunteer Advocate – Championing the importance and value of volunteers within our organization and the wider community. Operations Manager – Handling the logistics, schedules, and records to keep the volunteer program running smoothly. Communications Liaison – Keeping volunteers informed, connected, and engaged through regular updates and communication. Event Coordinator – Planning and hosting events to celebrate and recognize our amazing volunteers. Conflict Resolver – Helping to resolve any issues or misunderstandings that may arise, ensuring a positive environment for everyone. Volunteer Engagement Specialist – Managing the full volunteer experience, from onboarding to recognizing their achievements. Program Policy Advisor – Developing guidelines and policies that ensure a fair, transparent, and effective volunteer program. Community Fundraiser – Sometimes working to secure resources and support for volunteer-driven initiatives. Program Impact Analyst – Gathering and analyzing data to measure the impact of our volunteers and improve our efforts. The position of Manager of Volunteers brings many benefits, both for the individual in the role and for the organization as a whole. We love what we do but it also takes a lot of skill and ingenuity! Thanks to all the hardworking leaders of volunteers out there for helping the organizations we serve operate more effectively and for connecting with the community. #VMPC #LoVols #VolunteerEngagement #Volunteerism #VolunteerCanada

  • There's still time to register for the 2024 Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference! https://lnkd.in/gh99vzzk

  • Did you attend or watch Volunteer Canada’s webinar on January 24, 2024 - How to Harness the Power of Data which demonstrated the features of the Canadian Knowledge Hub for Giving and Volunteering? We are interested in learning more about your experience with the Data Hub. Share your feedback through this poll: https://lnkd.in/gCsqfB8M, which will take about 5 minutes to complete. The poll will close on Monday, September 30, 2024. Did you miss the webinar? Click this link if you are interested in watching the recording of the webinar: https://lnkd.in/gzGF5iJd Thank you for your valuable feedback! . . . #CanadianKnowledgeHub #GivingAndVolunteering #VMPC #LoVols #Volunteerism #VolunteerEngagement #VolunteerCanada #CanadaCharity #CanadianNonprofit #GivingVolunteeringDataCA

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  • La date limite de nomination pour le Prix Impact 2024 a été prolongée jusqu'au 23 septembre. Assurez-vous de nommer un membre bien méritant du PGBC en tant que leader émergent ou leader exemplaire. Il y a 3 prix chacun dans les 2 catégories. Retrouvez tous les détails et formulaires de nomination sur notre site Web à l'adresse www.vmpc.ca sous la rubrique Plaidoyer. La nomination de collègues ou de pairs peut renforcer votre réseau professionnel et favoriser la collaboration. Reconnaître et être reconnu peut ouvrir les portes à des relations de mentorat, à la fois en tant que mentor et mentoré. Célébrer les réalisations favorise un sentiment de communauté et un objectif partagé entre les professionnels. Les récompenses contribuent à promouvoir et à maintenir des normes élevées au sein de la profession, en encourageant l'amélioration continue et l'innovation. Il y a tellement de raisons de nommer un membre du PGBC pour un prix ! En tant que professionnels de l’engagement bénévole, nous faisons en sorte que le bénévolat s’épanouisse. Nous tirons parti des compétences et des passions de nos bénévoles pour réaliser la mission de notre organisation, et nous nous employons à rendre un groupe diversifié de bénévoles motivés, heureux et engagés. Les Prix Impact constituent un programme national de prix administré par PGBC et visent à reconnaître le travail des professionnels de l’engagement bénévole au Canada. Les prix sont administrés par PGBC et commandités par Better Impact, et les lauréats des prix sont déterminés par le Comité des prix Impact. . . . #VMPC #LoVols #Volunteerism #Benevolat

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  • The 2024 Impact Award nomination deadline has been extended until September 23rd! These awards are a national award program to recognize the work of volunteer management professionals in Canada. Let's work together to ensure more Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada Members are recognized for their hard work and dedication...and get your nominations in! ✨ Nominating colleagues or peers can strengthen your professional network and foster collaboration. ✨ Recognizing and being recognized can open doors to mentorship relationships, both as a mentor and a mentee. ✨ Celebrating achievements fosters a sense of community and shared purpose among professionals. ✨ Awards help to promote and uphold high standards within the profession, encouraging continuous improvement and innovation. ✨ Bring positive attention to the nominee’s organization, potentially attracting new clients, partnerships, or funding. There are so many reasons to nominate a VMPC member for an award! As volunteer engagement professionals, we make volunteerism happen. We leverage the skills and passions of our volunteers to help meet our organization’s mission and we keep a diverse group of volunteers motivated, happy and engaged. The awards are administered by VMPC, with cash prizes sponsored by Better Impact and the award recipients are determined by the Impact Awards Committee from the nominations received. There are 3 awards each in two distinct categories. Find more information about the nomination process and criteria on our website at www.vmpc.ca under Advocacy. . . . #VMPC #VolMgmt #LoVols #VolunteerManagement #VolunteerCoordinator #VolunteerEngagement #VolunteerCanada #Volunteerism #LoveWhatYouDo #VolunteeringAndGiving #CanadianNonprofit #CanadaCharity

  • Have questions about 2024 Impact Awards you need answered before nominating someone for one of the two awards? Join us for our VMPC Connect Call, tomorrow, all about the Impact Awards! The nomination deadline is September 9th.

    Calling all members and non-members. Have questions about 2024 Impact Awards you need answered before nominating someone for one of the awards? Join us for our upcoming VMPC Connect Call, all about the Impact Awards! Thurs, September 5, 2024 11am PT / 2PM ET Please register for the Connect Call to get your unique login link here: https://lnkd.in/gfsGxRMZ Find nomination forms and more details about the Impact Awards for Volunteer Management Professionals in Canada on our website here: https://lnkd.in/ezt__Qh8 The nomination deadline is September 9th! ~ Connect Calls are casual networking meetings, usually lasting about an hour, bring your lunch or morning beverage and join us if you can! Connect Calls are a chance for volunteer management professionals from across Canada to network and exchange ideas. Every second month we host these online networking meetings for volunteer management professionals. These free meetings are open to both VMPC members and non-members and are designed to allow for cross country connections across a variety of sectors. Each meeting has a particular theme as suggested by members and will involve facilitated discussions around the topic. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences, exchange ideas, provide tips, share tools, and ask for input and feedback from their colleagues. VMPC will sometimes bring in guest speakers or share relevant information or resources with the group in relation to the theme. . . . #VMPC #LOVols #VolMgmt #VolunteerCanada #VolunteeringAndGiving #Volunteerism #VolunteerEngagement #VolunteerManagement #VolunteerLeadership #VolunteerCoordinator #VolunteerManager #CanadianNonprofit #CanadaCharity

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  • VMPC-Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada reposted this

    View profile for Sammy Feilchenfeld, CVA, graphic

    Non-profit adult education specialist, Senior Manager, Learning at Volunteer Toronto

    Decent Work and Decent Volunteerism remains essential to our work at Volunteer Toronto, and I'm proud that we have released our Decent Work Charter in celebration of Labour Day. Check it out!

    View organization page for Volunteer Toronto, graphic


    📣This #LabourDay, we're sharing our commitment to #DecentWork and #DecentVolunteerism with the release of our own Decent Work Charter! Informed by the Ontario Nonprofit Network's pathways, we're committed to progressing decent work as core to our mission. 🔗 Read the full charter here: https://bit.ly/4g7MZj1 “We committed to implementing Decent Work practices within our own organization and leading the sector’s understanding of Decent Volunteerism,” says Volunteer Toronto’s Executive Director, Joanne McKiernan. “The two concepts are inherently related as we reflect on what type of labour is fair to be compensated for and what roles are decent to ask a volunteer to complete.” Developing a stronger sense of Decent Volunteerism is key to modernizing the voluntary sector given increased examples of indecent labour, or exploitation, labelled as “volunteerism”. Volunteer Toronto holds a frontline role in enabling Decent Volunteerism through our recruitment platform on VolunteerToronto.ca and in screening the types of roles or expectations that organizations ask volunteers to complete. We're thrilled to share this update with our network on #LabourDay!

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