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Explore interactive maps and charts

Visualize and download downscaled CMIP5 climate data and other datasets developed for California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment. Read our Get Started guide to learn more about working with climate data.

Designed for a broad range of users.

  • Quickly view a variety of climate data for a city, county, or other place.

  • Explore data on temperature, precipitation, snowpack, wildfire, and more.

  • Download Fourth Assessment climate data in NetCDF, GeoTIFF and CSV formats.

Analyze next generation climate data

The Cal-Adapt Analytics Engine is a climate data platform developed for California's Fifth Climate Change Assessment.

Use cloud computing resources to access downscaled CMIP6 climate data and analytics co-produced by stakeholders, policy makers, scientists and developers.

Built for users with prior computing experience and data intensive needs.

Discover how our data development grants and research projects are helping to shape the next generation of Cal-Adapt

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