CWJ Magazine

We pride ourselves in developing a magazine that has value to water operators throughout California. Every quarter, California Rural Water Association releases a magazine that addresses issues, trends, news, or relevant information in the water industry. Click the link below for the latest published version of the magazine.

Current Issue

Spring 2024

California Water Journal Spring 2024

Past Issues

If you are a member of California Rural Water Association and would like to submit an article for the California Water Journal, please email Ruby Brungess at [email protected]

If you would like to advertise, please email our ad representative Krys Whildin at  [email protected]. Click here for a copy of our media guide.

Non–SDG&E Contractor Incident Alert

Non-SDGE - Incident Alert Contractor Safety Services Non–SDG&E Contractor Incident Alert Non-SDGE Event - Incident Alert - Fatality - 19JULY2023 ACTIVITY: Crew was working on a solar project. INCIDENT SUMMARY: A local flagging contractor experienced a terrible...

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