
Water tower with Rural Water Strong logo

Rural America Relies on Rural Development

USDA Rural Development Water and Environmental Programs has consistently supported rural communities in completing necessary upgrades to their water and wastewater facilities.

Today’s Congressional policies and funding decisions are jeopardizing communities in rural America. Budget cuts will leave USDA WEP unable to accomplish its mission.

WEP is instrumental in helping rural America increase economic opportunities, protect public health, maintain affordable water access, and ensure their communities are sustainable.

Act now and pledge support for Rural Development

Non–SDG&E Contractor Incident Alert

Non-SDGE - Incident Alert Contractor Safety Services Non–SDG&E Contractor Incident Alert Non-SDGE Event - Incident Alert - Fatality - 19JULY2023 ACTIVITY: Crew was working on a solar project. INCIDENT SUMMARY: A local flagging contractor experienced a terrible...

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