Maicel Green, Partner

Contact | Tallahassee
  • Experience in crisis management, public affairs, and media relations
  • Expertise in utility governance, workforce development, and higher education
  • Two-time Olympian and gold medalist, Track & Field

Maicel Green has over ten years of experience working as a state-wide and national government affairs practitioner. While working on government affairs issues in the utility and education industries, she led and directed the organization’s development of policy positions, strategies, and plans of action to influence state, federal, and local legislative issues and priorities for the companies. Also, in her role, she researched and monitored government activity which was instrumental in implementing policies that influenced the direction of the companies. As the company liaison, Ms. Green established and leveraged relationships with local County, City Commissioners, and business leaders in several counties and Statewide. In addition, Maicel utilized her Communications degree from Arizona State University to serve as the crisis management communicator for the utility company with the Governor, State & Local Government representatives, and the media during three significant hurricanes, tropical storms, and the worldwide pandemic.

Maicel knows the pathway to success. She is a legendary Track and Field athlete. An Olympic and World Champion Gold Medalist who thrives on performance. She earned a graduate degree in sports management and has extensive experience in workforce and economic development. Ms. Green brings a valuable perspective and an excellent resource to collaborate and connect with clients in various industries to achieve success.