June 2024
Project of the month: MITRANO - Mission Trajectory in ATC and Network Management Operations
The MITRANO project aims to advance solutions to manage mission trajectories and collaborative decision-making at network level and in ATC operations, including advanced design principles for military access to the airspace.
Spotlight on new members: NATS and Lilium
NATS and Lilium have become members of the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU), joining forces with stakeholders from across the aviation industry to deliver the Digital European Sky.


Greater predictability, increased capacity and an improved environmental footprint are all on the cards for aviation as Europe and other world regions move forward with the implementation of…

An AI-based speech recognition technology developed within the context of SESAR will soon be available on the market for air traffic control at airports, following the licensing of the product by …

Download episode #22 of the 'Aerospace Ambition Podcast', and hear from Alain Siebert, SESAR JU Chief Technology and Strategy, on delivering …


By transitioning from rigid arrival procedures to a more dynamic system able to respond to local conditions, researchers with the SESAR JU GALAAD project hope to bring greater sustainability to…

Ready, steady... go! Validations recently got underway by partners in the SESAR JU iSNAP project on a next-generation air traffic management system. The project is making use of state-of-the-art digital technologies and…

Find all you need to know about the projects currently underway in the Digital European Sky as well as completed SESAR 2020 activities in our new, revamped projects portal! Filter with ease the content to quickly…

9-13 September 2024, Belgrade - Engage summer school
9-12 September 2024, Montreal - First Advanced Air Mobility Symposium
16-18 September 2024, Montreal - ICAO Symposium on Non-CO₂ Aviation Emissions
12-15 November 2024, Rome - SESAR Innovation Days



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