March 2023
Project of the month
In nature, herons are graceful birds known for their ability to adapt with ease to changing environmental conditions. In aviation, HERON is the name given to a recently-started SESAR Digital Sky Demonstrator supporting the delivery of more fuel-efficient flight operations.
Spotlight on SESAR 3 JU members
What is the added value of being a member of the SESAR 3 JU? Why is digitalisation critical for the future of air traffic management? Find out what members have to say in our #MeetSESAR3JUmembers series, now live on our social media channels.
Austria at the forefront of synergy building in SESAR innovation
In 2022, Austrian stakeholders across the aviation value chain joined forces to establish a networking initiative to facilitate stronger synergies between European and national programmes addressing air traffic management modernisation. In this article, we hear from three leading representatives in this innovative Austrian initiative.
Serving safety and capacity on a plate
SESAR partners have successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of a system using plate lines – parallel plates arranged one after another - to reduce wake vortices at large airports. Experts recently gathered for the SESAR2020 VLD3 Wave-2 SORT visitor day to hear about the test results, as well as the safety and capacity benefits on offer.
FLY AI Forum
The SESAR 3 JU and partners of the FLY AI group are organising a two-day conference in Brussels to explore the latest developments and deployments of AI and machine learning in aviation. Join the event to find out more about this burgeoning field and its applications in air traffic management.
2023 Digital European Sky awards announced!
Projects addressing sustainable air traffic operations, better weather forecasting enabled by artificial intelligence and urban air mobility have received the top prizes in this year’s SESAR Digital European Sky Awards. The winners were announced on 9 June during an awards ceremony at Airspace World.
SESAR 3 JU at Airspace World 2023
From 8 to 10 March at Airspace World, the SESAR 3 JU with its partners showcased results from the SESAR 2020 research and innovation programme. The event also saw the JU join forces again with the “Europe for Aviation” partners, where experts offered thought-leadership on a wide range of topics.
SESAR 3 JU at Amsterdam Drone Week
The SESAR 3 JU and its U-space projects participated in the Amsterdam Drone Week from 21-23 March, showcasing the progress achieved on the safe and secure integration of drones. Get more details about our participation!
SESAR 3 JU launches two new calls for tenders
In March, the SESAR 3 JU launched two calls for tenders related to airspace user expertise and and strategic management needs for its Digital European Sky research and innovation programme. Find out more about these opportunities.
ACI-SESAR 3 JU Digital Transformation Award – Apply now !
Calling all airports! Are you a pioneer in digital transformation? Have you adopted innovative tech to improve the safety, capacity, efficiency and environmental footprint of your airside operations? Apply now for the ACI Europe-SESAR 3 JU Digital Transformation Award!
How diversity can unlock innovation in air traffic management
In this article, we hear from those active in the programme about the need for greater diversity in air traffic management, recognising that a diverse set of experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds is crucial to innovation and the development of new ideas.
EUROCAE and SESAR strengthen cooperation
The European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) and SESAR 3 JU signed a cooperation agreement aimed at strengthening cooperation and accelerating the delivery of the Digital European Sky as one team.
Digital SESAR Solutions Catalogue goes live
On 8 March, a new digital SESAR Solutions Catalogue was launched. The new digital interface allows visitors to view more than 200 solutions addressing key areas of ATM operations. These include over 120 delivered solutions ready for industrialisation, of which 70 are now part of deployment plans at local and European levels.
Fresh off the press: SESAR Innovation Pipeline – 2022 Highlights
Get the highlights from some of the SESAR research and development (R&D) activities that took place over the course of 2022. The brochure features updates from each strand of the programme: exploratory research, industrial research and very-large scale demonstrations.
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