March 2024
Project of the month: MAIA
Meet MAIA, the SESAR JU funded project using artificial intelligence and data analytics to pioneer multimodal airport access. Read our interview with project coordinator, Ines Peirats, Transport Systems Product Manager at Nommon.
Spotlight on members: Leonardo
Leonardo is a global high-technology company, ranking among the leading world players in aerospace, defence and security. A member of the SESAR JU since 2007, Leonardo is contributing to all the flagships of the Digital European Sky programme. Watch this interview with Simone Ungaro, Chief Innovation Officer, to find out the company’s vision for digital ATM.
SESAR JU at Airspace World 2024
Close to 7,000 delegates gathered at the airspace management industry’s annual global meeting in Geneva from 19-21 March for Airspace World where SESAR JU as part “Europe for Aviation” team showcased the latest from the Digital European Sky programme. Airspace World was also the backdrop to the annual gathering of the JU's members and partners, which took place on 18 March.


The SESAR Joint Undertaking has selected 18 new exploratory research projects within the framework of the Digital European Sky research and innovation programme…

Are you a young scientist active in the field of air traffic management (ATM) and aviation? Are you looking for the perfect opportunity to showcase your talent and advance your career? If yes, then look no further…

Interested in participating in the next SESAR Innovation Days? Check out the deadlines for submitting a paper or poster and join us in Rome…

The European ATM Master Plan is a powerful tool for transformation and will open the trajectory to a digital and green European sky, says Andreas Boschen, SESAR JU Executive Director…

To mark International Women’s Day, the SESAR JU took a look at gender diversity in aviation, the unique perspective women bring to the air traffic management arena, and what can be done to bridge the gender gap…

Are you a mastermind in SESAR research and innovation? Test your knowledge with our quiz!


A new projects Info Pack from CORDIS explores the role air traffic management has to play in Europe’s transition to carbon neutrality, through new technologies, procedures and practices…

Find all you need to know about the projects currently underway in the Digital European Sky as well as completed SESAR 2020 activities in our new, revamped projects portal! Filter with ease the content to quickly…

A decision to approve spectrum allocation for future space-based VHF communications services (voice and data) looks set to boost innovation and …

Engage 2, SESAR’s Knowledge Transfer Network, has launched a call for catalyst funds to support innovative ideas reach…


15-18 April 2024, Dublin - Transport Research Arena
29-30 April 2024, Brussels - FlyAI Forum
4-6 June 2024, Brussels - Global TBO Symposium
9-13 September 2024, Florence - International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) Congress
12-15 November 2024, Rome - SESAR Innovation Days

FEATURED VIDEOS: SESARat Airspace World 2024


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