July 2023
Project of the month
GEESE: How migrating birds are inspiring more sustainable aviation
SESAR partners are joining forces to test wake energy recovery (WER) to optimise fuel use and reduce CO2 emissions. Gain Environmental Efficiency by Saving Energy (GEESE) is a new SESAR industrial research project funded within the framework of the Digital European Sky, which will map out how to enable WER operations.
Spotlight on SESAR 3 JU members
What is the added value of being a member of the SESAR 3 JU? Why is digitalisation critical for the future of air traffic management? Find out what members have to say in our #MeetSESAR3JUmembers series, now live on our social media channels.
SESAR 3 JU annual conference: Save-the-date!
Join us on 10 October in Brussels to discuss how to establish Europe as the most efficient environmentally-friendly sky to fly in the world. The conference will also look back at the successes of the SESAR 2020 research and innovation programme and provide a backdrop for the launch of the European ATM Master Plan 2024 campaign.
Every drop counts: Lufthansa invests in SESAR technology to reduce CO2 emissions
As early as 2024, Lufthansa will start implementing a fleet of up to 65 Airbus aircraft equipped with SESAR technology to transmit flight trajectory information in real time, a key enabler for improving flight predictability and reducing emissions.
Call for proposals launched for exploratory research projects
In June, the SESAR 3 JU published the second open call addressing exploratory research. The selected projects will be funded (total budget: EUR 25 million) within the framework of the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme.
Kick-off for 48 new Digital European Sky projects
In July, the SESAR 3 JU officially launched 48 new research and innovation projects. Representing a total investment of EUR 350 million by industry and Horizon Europe, these projects are part of the drive to make European aviation smarter and more sustainable!
A green light for two new collaborative solutions
Two new SESAR Solutions recently got the green light that will improve collaborative decision making (CDM) between airspace users, local flow managers, and the Network Manager. Delivered by the Optimised Airspace Users Operations (OAUO- PJ.07-W2) project, the solutions will help improve coordination and increase the predictability of air traffic in Europe’s airspace.
U-space makes it “Big in Japan”
In June, the SESAR 3 JU and project partners travelled to Japan to showcase their work on U-space and exchange on developments with the country’s aviation and drone community. The main purpose of the trip was a bilateral technical workshop with the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation (NEDO), and also included meetings with the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and participation at Japan Drone 2023.
Keeping the balance in drone traffic
Uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) are on the cusp of disrupting urban mobility as we know it. But before we can catch a flying taxi to the airport or get our latest online purchase delivered directly to our doorstep via a cargo drone, they need to be safely integrated into the urban airspace.
Keeping airports safe and secure
A SESAR 3 JU project has evaluated how 5G-based positioning and sensing and mmWave radar can improve operations in secondary airports. The NewSense project aimed to improve safety and efficiency of operations, primarily in secondary airports, with innovative low-cost surface surveillance solutions using 5G and millimetre waves signals, which are widely used outside ATM.
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