September 2022
Project of the month
Itaca might be mistaken for a sunny Greek island, but it is actually the name of a SESAR 2020 exploratory research project, which examined the barriers to and drivers for technology uptake in air traffic management. David Mocholí González, project coordinator, provides a brief overview of the project’s core objectives and findings.
Spotlight on SESAR 3 JU members
Athens international airport
Since 2001, Athens International Airport has welcomed more than 320 million passengers and over 3.5 million flights, offering high-level services and earning the trust of airlines, passengers, partners and stakeholders. The airport is a new member but has played an important role in supporting SESAR innovation, most notably hosting and supporting the 2019 SESAR – ACI Europe Digital Sky Challenge.
New call launched for SESAR 3 JU Digital Sky Demonstrators
On 13 September, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) launched a new call under the Connecting Europe Facility, containing provisions for a series of Digital European Sky Demonstrators in the areas of automation and virtualisation. The demonstrators, when selected, are expected to be launched in 2023 and to run until 2026.
Supporting energy management for descent and approach
Aircraft energy management during descent and landing is a difficult task for pilots. In this interview, Martin Gerber from the Swiss SkyLab Foundation, a technical pilot and researcher in the DYNCAT project, describes the difficulties of energy management and how assistance systems and support functionalities can help pilots to perform more sustainable descents and approaches.
Climb performance monitoring for optimised climb operations
Air traffic conflicts at route crossings can be prevented by applying altitude constraints to deconflict aircraft ahead of their departure. As part of the SESAR ITARO project, NLR recently conducted a pilot-in-the-loop evaluation to determine what kind of additional information on the cockpit displays can help improve the situational awareness with respect to altitude constraints.
World premiere at Frankfurt Airport: satellite-based precision landings possible even in bad weather
On 14 July, DFS, the German air navigation service provider, started the use of the ground-based augmentation systems (GBAS) precision landing system for poor weather conditions at Frankfurt Airport. The new GBAS CAT II approach procedures were realised within the framework of the SESAR DREAMS project.
Registration closed for SESAR 3 JU first annual conference!
Registration is now closed for the SESAR 3 JU’s first annual conference! With the theme of ‘Airspace fit for the digital age’, the conference will explore how the air transport industry can get back on its feet in a way that supports a sustainable and smart recovery, and strengthens the resilience of the sector.
Droniq and Europe’s future skies
In May, Droniq received the ‘Future Skies’ special award of the European Startup Prize for Mobility (EUSP). Droniq is part of the Alliance for New Mobility Europe, which joined the membership of the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking back in November 2021. In this interview, Jan-Eric Putz, CEO of Droniq, explains why winning the European prize was so important for the company and his view on the top innovation priorities for the Digital European Sky.
Poland demonstrates air mobility solutions for cities throughout the EU
At the end of August, Rzeszów, southern Poland, played host to a demonstration of drone solutions that will be used by public services in cities across the European Union. Partners in the Uspace4UAM project presented their research and real-life applications that will ultimately support the development of an enabling framework for urban air mobility (UAM) for the EU.
SESAR Innovation Days
This is the last chance to submit proposals for the SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) 2022! Hosted by HungaroControl in Budapest, the SIDs aims to showcase results from ATM research and explore how to advance promising concepts towards industrial research within the SESAR innovation pipeline. The SIDs will also host the annual Young Scientist Award, recognising young scientists, who have demonstrated excellence in ATM and aviation-related research fields.
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