October 2023
Project of the month
SEC-AIRSPACE: boosting cyber resilience in air traffic management
The SEC-AIRSPACE project will apply an innovative concept of people analytics (PA) to boost cyber security awareness within ATM. In this interview, Karin Bernsmed, project coordinator, offers a brief overview of the project and its objectives.
Spotlight on SESAR 3 JU members
In this interview with ACI Europe, Daniel Skoglund, Head of Tactical Planning & Support, Swedavia, talks about some of the game-changing SESAR solutions, such as total airport management, and the journey to implementing them.
Registration open for SESAR Innovation Days
Registration is now open for the SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) 2023, which will be hosted by the University of Seville at its Faculty of Engineering. Organised annually since 2011, the SIDs have become a landmark event in the European aviation research calendar.
SESAR 3 JU conference – summary of proceedings
A total of 400 stakeholders gathered in Brussels on 10 October for the second SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking annual conference, which saw the launch of a campaign to update the European ATM Master Plan 2024 to deliver “the most efficient and environmentally-friendly sky to fly in the world”.
EUR 7 million investment for European multimodality under synergy call
Europe’s Rail and SESAR JUs published a joint call for the development of an “Integrated air and rail network backbone for a sustainable and energy-efficient multimodal transport system”.
TRUSTworthy AI for remote digital towers
TRUSTY, a new SESAR 3 JU project, recently kicked-off aiming at implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in remote digital towers thanks to a trusted intelligent system.
Advancing air traffic control with ADS-C technology
ADS-C B2 is short for automatic dependent surveillance – contract baseline 2 (ADS-C B2) and it is the communications technology that has the potential to enhance air traffic control as we know it. In this blog, SESAR research project partner, NATS, describes research into this important enabler for the Digital European Sky.
A new horizon for synthetic data generation in aviation
A new era in synthetic data generation in aviation may be on the horizon with the launch of the SynthAIr project - Synthetic Data Generation for ATM Systems. The initiative is a response to the scarcity of relevant data for aviation and the inherent limitations of AI models in handling diverse datasets.
Engage 2 Thematic Challenge: a call you won't want to miss!
Only a few days remain to submit your idea to the first thematic challenge of Engage 2, the SESAR Knowledge Transfer Network (KNT).
The thematic challenge will help to identify important fields of interest in the ATM domain, which will serve as the basis for calls for PhDs and catalyst project funding.
AI-powered airport ground operations
Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform airport ground operations. ASTAIR (Auto-Steer Taxi at AIRport), a recently started SESAR 3 JU project, will develop an AI-enabled tool to support a wide variety of ground procedures aimed at optimising resources, and enhancing the safety and efficiency of airside operations.
Taking a holistic approach to AI-enabled ATM certification and automation guidelines
HUCAN, a new project of the SESAR 3 JU, has started work on a novel and holistic approach for the certification and approval of AI-enabled ATM airborne and ground systems. The project aims to contribute to shaping the future use of AI in air traffic management.
From ConOps to validated higher airspace solutions: ECHO2 kicks off!
ECHO, the SESAR 3JU project designed to enable safe, efficient and scalable operations above conventional flight levels, has just launched its second phase with the official kick-off meeting of ECHO2 on 29 September, attended by the 23 ECHO partners.
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