May 2022
Project of the month
Total airport management (PJ.04-W2)
SESAR’s total airport management (TAM) solutions encourage the pro-active management of last-minute operation changes by connecting different players across the transportation chain. Digital Business Developer for the Norwegian airport operator Avinor, Flemming Hølvold, explains the importance of having a single source of truth.
Spotlight on SESAR 3 JU members
Airbus is a leader in designing, manufacturing and delivering aerospace products, services and solutions to customers on a worldwide scale. With over 130,000 employees and as the largest aeronautics and space company in Europe and a worldwide leader, Airbus is at the forefront of the aviation industry.
New SESAR 3 JU Executive Director announced
On 5 May, the SESAR 3 JU announced Andreas Boschen as its new Executive Director. Boschen’s appointment comes at a critical moment as the new partnership embarks on its ambitious research and innovation programme to make Europe’s aviation infrastructure fit for the digital age and on target to meet the sector’s net zero ambitions.
Ready to deliver a Digital European Sky!
On 5 May, the SESAR 3 JU gathered in Brussels its founding members, staff, as well as representatives from the European institutions and key stakeholders to mark the launch of the new partnership, which aims to accelerate, through research and innovation, the delivery of an inclusive, resilient and sustainable Digital European Sky.
Applications open for the SESAR Young Scientist Award 2022
Are you a young scientist active in the field of air traffic management (ATM) and aviation? Are you looking for the perfect opportunity to showcase your talent and advance your career? If yes, then look no further… the SESAR Young Scientist Award is for you!
Submit your contributions to the 12th SESAR Innovation Days
The SESAR 3 JU is delighted to announce that the SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) 2022 will be hosted by HungaroControl at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. Organised annually since 2011, the SIDS have become a landmark event in the European aviation research calendar. It aims to showcase results from ATM research and explore how to advance promising concepts towards industrial research within the SESAR innovation pipeline.
“Europe for Aviation” back at 2022 World ATM Congress
The “Europe for Aviation” team, consisting of nine European aviation organisations working to promote the modernisation, sustainability and resilience of a safe European aviation, will come together at this year’s World ATM Congress, from 21 to 23 June in Madrid, Spain.
SESAR 3 JU to gather members and partners in Madrid
On the eve of the World ATM Congress, on 20 June 2022, the SESAR 3 JU will organise its annual internal meeting to provide an update on the status of the programme, highlight achievements and promote upcoming activities. The event is open to SESAR 3 JU founding members, SESAR 2020 projects and key programme/projects partners.
Preparations underway for next phase of testing on virtual centres
How will virtual centres help to increase the resilience of air traffic control? What impact will they have controllers’ daily work? These are just some of the questions that air traffic management (ATM) experts explored during a recent workshop organised within the framework of the SESAR 2020 PROSA project (PJ.10-W2). The workshop comes ahead of further testing of the delegation of ATM services within a virtual centre environment.
SESAR partners develop tools to detect adverse weather areas
The COOPANS SESAR Consortium and AT-ONE recently completed tests on tools to support controllers in detecting adverse weather areas and conflicts in an effort to improve safety and flight efficiency. Miran Stojnić, a MET expert and exercise leader from Croatia Control, explains the concept, preliminary results and potential next steps for the validation exercise, which took place at NLR in Amsterdam at the beginning of April.
SESAR 3 JU Principal Research Scientist, David Bowen, recognised with EUROCAE Lifetime Achievement Award
On 29 April, David Bowen, SESAR 3 JU Principal Research Scientist, received EUROCAE’s Lifetime Achievement Award, in recognition of his dedication to technical excellence and rigour in air traffic management standardisation. The award was accepted by Peter Hotham, SESAR 3 JU Deputy Executive Director on behalf of David, during an awards ceremony at the EUROCAE annual symposium in Warsaw, Poland.
SESAR partners demonstrate new dual use of wind sensors at airports
SESAR partners working on an information service to help manage wake turbulence separation between aircraft have discovered the possible dual use of Doppler Lidar sensors to monitor wake vortices, in addition to their initial purpose of measuring upper wind conditions.
TSAS2022 - Deadline extended for paper submissions
A call for papers has been published for the “Towards Sustainable Aviation” Summit (TSAS2022), which takes place from 18 to 20 October 2022, in Toulouse, France. Organised by 3AF, the French Aerospace Society, this international conference will bring together stakeholders from across the aeronautical ecosystem to discuss the pathway to carbon-neutral aviation.
Those interested are invited to submit paper abstracts by 20 June.
SESAR multimodality project presents findings at European Parliament
On 16 May, Annika Paul, Senior Researcher at Bauhaus Luftfahrt and SESAR 2020 Modus Project Coordinator, presented the latest on integrating aviation into a multimodality transport system to MEPs at a workshop in the European Parliament in Brussels. Chaired by Karima Delli, Chair of the EP Transport and Tourism committee, the hybrid workshop aimed to explore the advantages of various transport modes and the benefits that would be gained with a more integrated system.
Droniq wins ‘Future Skies’ award at European Startup Prize for Mobility ceremony
Droniq received the ‘Future Skies’ special award during a ceremony of the European Startup Prize for Mobility (EUSP) on 19 May in Paris, organised under the auspices of the French Presidency of the EU. The company was recognised for its innovative work on integrating unmanned air unmanned air systems (UAS) into European airspace.
EUR 194 million made available in first Digital European Sky calls
In April, the SESAR 3 JU published two open calls addressing exploratory research, industrial projects, and activities to fast-track innovative solutions within the framework of its Digital European Sky research and innovation programme.
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