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September 2021
Project of the Month: FARO:Shining a light on resilience and safety in air traffic management
It is perhaps fitting that SESAR JU partners chose the Spanish word for lighthouse, FARO, as the name for their project. As Christian Verdonk Gallego, FARO Project Manager from CRIDA, explains, the project is hoping to shine a light on how changes in air traffic management systems can impact safety and resilience.
Call launched for series of pilot Digital Sky Demonstrators
The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has launched a new call under the Connecting Europe Facility, containing provisions for a series of pilot SESAR JU Digital European Sky Demonstrators in the areas of green aviation and urban air mobility, two areas covered by our Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The demonstrators are a key tool to support the SESAR JU’s vision of delivering the Digital European Sky.
New SESAR Solutions Catalogue charts progress towards the Digital European Sky
The SESAR Joint Undertaking has published the fourth edition of the SESAR Solutions Catalogue, charting progress in developing the technological and procedural solutions needed for delivering the digital European sky. The solutions captured in this latest edition offer a pathway towards recovery, and a smarter and more sustainable air transport system in Europe.
ALBATROSS SESAR partners target more energy-efficient flights
As part of the ALBATROSS demonstration, Air France, Airbus and DSNA ​conducted the inaugural flight trial between Paris and Toulouse, showcasing how SESAR Solutions can make flying more energy efficient. The trial coincided with the Airbus Summit, which discussed the various pathways towards sustainable aviation.
First drone test flights for GOF 2.0 take off!
After eight months of intense preparation work, the first wave of trials of SESAR JU project Gulf of Finland 2.0 (GOF 2.0) got underway in September in Estonia, with more trials planned in Finland, Poland, and Austria. The flight trials aim is to demonstrate the safe, secure, and sustainable integration of unmanned aerial vehicle and air taxi operations in urban airspace.
4D Skyways: Getting the most out of Europe’s airspace
SESAR researchers are validating complex controller-pilot data link clearances in an effort to improve air traffic predictability and get the most out of Europe’s airspace. In this article, Dan Ivanescu, Solution Leader from the SESAR 4DSkyways project, explains the approach and provide feedback from the first series of real-time simulations.
SESAR JU DACUS project keeps an ear to the ground about urban air mobility
With the emergence of operations in low-level airspace comes the need to address society’s attitudes, expectations and concerns to this new type of air traffic. To that end, the SESAR JU DACUS project conducted a survey in 2020-21 to gain a better understanding of public perceptions. The survey results reveal a relatively positive attitude by respondents but some concerns were also flagged up..
Transforming concepts into prototypes: the SESAR JU DYNCAT project’s innovation story
How do you go from having a great idea and concept to producing something that is tangible and beneficial for air traffic operations? That is a question that the SESAR JU DYNCAT is seeking to answer through its work to develop more environmentally sustainable operations in the terminal manoeuvring area (TMA). In this Q&A, DYNCAT’s work package 3 leader, Johan Boyer from Thales, describes what it takes to build specific prototypical functionalities for aircraft systems from a conceptual idea.
Last chance to contribute to SESAR Innovation Days
The deadlines have been extended for paper and poster submission for the SESAR Innovation Days, which will take place from 7 to 9 December.
Poster/exhibits submission deadline: Extended to 30 September 2021
Paper submission deadline: Extended to 11 October 2021
Don't miss this chance to participate.

18 November 2021: SESAR Spotlight event

7-9 December 2021: 11th SESAR Innovation Days

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