Nursing Home Innovations Grant Board


The Nursing Home Innovations Grant Board (NHIGB) makes recommendations for the approval of grants, funded by Civil Money Penalty funds, that benefit residents of nursing homes for at least one year and not more than a three-year cycle. Colorado Legislature, in Senate Bill SB14-151, has directed this Board to identify projects yearly that will be recommended for funding to benefit the residents of Colorado nursing homes.  


Traditional Grant Opportunity

Apply for a grant 


A complete application includes:

  • CDPHE RFA Cover Sheet and Signature Page
  • Application Submission Checklist
  • Cover letter
  • Nursing Home Innovations Grant Board Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment Application
    CMP Reinvestment Application Budget Worksheet
  • Financial Risk Assessment Questionnaire
  • Letters of Support, if required
  • Additional documentation, if required

All applications must be fully complete, meet all criteria and include all required attachments specified in the Request for applications (RFA) in order to be considered. Click on the apply for a grant link for the RFA.



Measures should benefit residents of nursing homes by fostering innovation and improving the quality of life and care at the communities.  This could include the following:

  • Consumer education to promote resident-centered care in nursing communities.
  • Initiatives in nursing homes related to the quality measures promoted by the federal centers for Medicare and Medicaid services and other national quality standards.
  • Education and consultation for purposes of identifying and implementing resident-centered care initiatives in nursing communities.
  • Each project must be portable, sustainable, and replicable in other nursing homes. This includes requiring PowerPoint presentations, handouts, and other materials developed for the project to become public information.
  • The project must include a plan for measuring results in quantifiable terms. 
  • The project must be completed in no more than three years.
  • No state agency nor any other governmental entity, with the exception of a facility that is owned or operated by a governmental agency and that is licensed as a nursing care home under section 25-1.5-103(1)(a)(I)(A), may apply for or receive a grant hereunder.
  • Any work product from a grant-funded through the nursing home penalty cash fund will become the intellectual property of the state of Colorado and will be made available without charge to all nursing homes in the state.
  • In accordance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services guidance, projects for capital improvements; to pay for items or services that the nursing home is already responsible for (required services and supplies); or to fund projects that are unrelated to improving the quality of life of nursing home residents will not be considered.
  • A public presentation must be provided at the end of the grant project per the direction of the Board.

COVID-19 Grant Opportunity

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued guidance for Nursing Home Visitation. Recognizing that considerations allowing for visitation in each phase of re-opening may be difficult for residents and their families, CMS has developed this application template for requests for the use of Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Reinvestment funds to provide nursing homes with in-person visitation aids.

COVID-19 In-person Visitation Aid Request Resources

Resources for grantees 

Project Spotlight

Completed Grant Projects

The state maintains information about projects funded by CMP funds on the CMS website

Meeting minutes and handouts, board membership, reports. This link goes to the records kept by CDPHE which is from July 2021 forward. Please contact HCPF for any documents prior to 7/1/21.

If you have questions regarding the Nursing Home Innovations Grant Board or would like to receive information about upcoming grant opportunities, please email [email protected]