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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action

Knowledge Network Science Pillar


About the Science Pillar

Through the Knowledge Network, the scientific community and operational stakeholders in disaster management have a new space to connect and share knowledge. 

The Science pillar will base its work on the achievements and activities of the European Commission’s Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre, seeking to further expand and strengthen them.  

With the increasing impact and complexity of natural and human-induced disasters, identifying, assessing and understanding disaster risks is critical. The Science pillar aims at putting high-quality data and analytical tools at the disposal of the UCPM Member and Participating States and the community to facilitate evidence-based decision-making and operations. 

While knowledge in the area of civil protection and disaster management is abundant, gaps do still exist. Part of Knowledge Network’s mission is to fill these gaps with comparison of good practices, in a way that makes them transferable and useful for the risk management obligations of the Member States. 

Disaster Risk Management

What is the Science Pillar?

Through the Knowledge Network, the scientific community and operational stakeholders in disaster management have a new space to connect and share knowledge.

Knowledge Gaps

In this section, you will find a selection of outputs dealing with disaster risk management knowledge gaps and their possible solutions.

Data & Tools

The Knowledge Network aims at putting high-quality data and analytical tools at the disposal of the UCPM Member and Participating States and the community to facilitate evidence-based decision-making and operations.