IBM Cloud Docs
Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud

Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud

Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud is a managed Kubernetes service to create your own cluster of compute hosts where you can deploy and manage containerized apps on IBM Cloud. Combined with an intuitive user experience, built-in security and isolation, and advanced tools to secure, manage, and monitor your cluster workloads, you can rapidly deliver highly available and secure containerized apps in the public cloud.

Complete the following steps to get familiar with the basics, understand the service components, create your first cluster, and deploy a starter app.

Review the basics

Get an overview of the service by reviewing the concepts, terms, and benefits. For more information, see Understanding Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud.

Already familiar with containers and Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud? Continue to the next step to prepare your account for creating clusters.

Prepare your account

To set up your IBM Cloud account so that you can create clusters, see Preparing your account to create clusters.

If you've already prepared your account and you're ready to create a cluster, continue to the next step.

Create a cluster environment strategy

Review the decision points in the Creating a cluster environment strategy doc to begin designing your setup.

Not sure where to start? Try following a tutorial in the next step.

Create a cluster

Follow a tutorial, or set up your own custom cluster environment. Review the following table for your deployment options.

Options for creating a cluster
Typ Ebene Zeit Description
Tutorial Beginner 30 Minuten Create a small, 2 node cluster to begin testing Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud. For more information, see Creating a 2 node VPC cluster by using Schematics.
Tutorial Beginner 45 minutes Follow the steps in this tutorial to create your first cluster by using the IBM Cloud CLI. This tutorial uses Classic infrastructure. For more information, see Creating a classic cluster from the CLI.
Tutorial Beginner 1 hour Follow the steps in this tutorial to create your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), then create an Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud cluster by using the CLI. For more information, see Create a cluster in your own Virtual Private Cloud.
Deployable architecture: QuickStart variation Beginner 1 hour This deployable architecture creates one VPC cluster with two worker nodes and a public endpoint. Note that the QuickStart variation is not highly available or validated for the IBM Cloud Framework for Financial Services. For more information, see Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud on VPC landing zone
Deployable architecture: Standard variation Intermediate 1-3 hours This deployable architecture is based on the IBM Cloud for Financial Services reference architecture. The architecture creates secure and compliant clusters on a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network. For more information, see Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud on VPC landing zone.
Deployable architectures: Community Registry Intermediate 1-4 hours There are more deployable architectures available in the Community Registry. Review the options to see if they fit your use case. For more information, see Catalog and select Community Registry from the dropdown.
Custom deployment Intermediate 1-3 hours Create a custom cluster on Classic infrastructure.
Custom deployment Intermediate 1-3 hours Create a custom cluster on VPC infrastructure.

Already have a cluster? Continue to the next step to deploy a sample app!

Deploy a sample app

After you create your cluster, deploy a sample app from the Red Hat OpenShift console, you can deploy one of the built-in service catalog apps and expose the app with a route.

  1. From the navigation menu, change from the Administrator perspective to Developer perspective.

  2. Click +Add > View all samples > Go.

  3. Wait a few minutes for the resources to deploy.

  4. Check the status from the Topology pane by clicking your Go app and reviewing the sidebar.

  5. When the deployment is complete. Click the Open URL button to view your app in a web browser.

    Hello World!
  6. To clean up the resources that you created, delete your deployment from the Topology pane.

What's next?

Check out the curated learning paths