New at CMRC

Our annual conference creates a forum where scholars have an opportunity to present their latest academic work and military officers are able to develop policy-relevant solutions to the most pressing civil-military challenges today.

This year, our conference will highlight civil-military dynamics around the globe, and their impact on the security environment. With active conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, and an increasingly aggressive China, understanding how civil-military dynamics may impact the decision-making of American allies and adversaries is of critical importance to the success of U.S. foreign policy. Yet, strategic discussions today too often look past how civil-military relations can inform and impact security policy.

Plenary sessions will explicitly tackle civil-military relations in Ukraine, Russia, NATO, Israel, China, Taiwan, the United States, and other key actors in the contemporary security environment. 

Faculty Spotlight

Dr. Celestino Perez serves as the Chair of Executive and Strategic Leadership at the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, PA.  He also directs the Carlisle Scholars Program, for which he designs and teaches a seminar of select national-security professionals in political science, strategy, war, and military ethics.  Finally, he serves as an adjunct professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.  His research interests include political judgment, strategy, military ethics, and the relationship between the American military and democracy.  He is especially interested in “bridging the gap” between the illuminating work that political scientists do and the real-world challenges that political and military actors confront.

Perez hold a BS in American Politics from West Point (1992) and an MA (2002) and PhD (2008) in political science (political theory) from Indiana University at Bloomington. He is a Distinguished Graduate of the U.S. Army War College with a Master in Strategic Studies.  His scholarly work appears in Perspectives on PoliticsPeace ReviewArmed Forces & Society, and the Journal of Military Ethics. His public and professional essays have appeared in Joint Forces Quarterly, Military ReviewWar on the Rocks, and Strategy Bridge.  He has also published an edited volume entitled Addressing the Fog of Cog: Perspectives on the Center of Gravity in U.S. Military Doctrine with Combat Studies Institute Press (2012).

On October 31st, 2021, Dr. Perez retired as a colonel after 30 years of service in the U.S. Army.