Craft Fair Tips & Ideas

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If you notice any of these red flags when researching or applying to be a vendor for a craft show, you may want to reconsider, as it may not be the right fit.
10 Reasons To Avoid a Craft Show (as a vendor)
If you notice any of these red flags when researching or applying to be a vendor for a craft show, you may want to reconsider, as it may not be the right fit.
This article explains 5 innocent mistakes craft show vendors make that can deter shoppers from stopping at their table, or quickly decide to leave without buying.
5 Innocent Mistakes that will Push Shoppers Away from your Craft Show Table
This article explains 5 innocent mistakes craft show vendors make that can deter shoppers from stopping at their table, or quickly decide to leave without buying.
a clipboard with the words 5 reasons you didn't get accepted to a craft show
5 Reasons You Didn't Get Accepted to a Craft Show - Made Urban
5 Reasons You Didn't Get Accepted to a Craft Show - Made Urban
an old trunk filled with lots of different types of items and text overlay reads craft show success how much inventory to bring to a craft show
How to Decide the Right Amount of Inventory to Bring to a Craft Show
Selling at craft shows and determining how much inventory to bring is always a bit of a guessing game. This article provides practical advice on estimating product quantities, balancing supply and demand, and avoiding common inventory mistakes. For more insights on creating a successful small and craft business, connect with us at Made Urban!
suitcases are stacked on top of each other with text overlay that reads, 5 mistakes to avoid at a craft show
5 Mistakes to Avoid at a Craft Show - Made Urban
5 Mistakes to Avoid at a Craft Show - Made Urban
the simple way to sell to craft fair shoppers if you're shy
The Simple Way to Sell to Craft Fair Shoppers (if you're shy)
This is a simple type of question you can use at craft shows that will get shoppers talking to you, which is the first step to selling. It also helps move some of the pressure off you.
a table full of jewelry with the words how to better thieves from your craft show booth
How To Deter Thieves from your Craft Show Booth
These tips will make it hard for a thief to take product from your craft show table or booth, and might even keep them from coming close to your table. Implement them at your next event.
a woman walking down the street with text overlay that reads how to turn craft show browsers into buyers
How to Turn Craft Show Browsers into Buyers
Most people who visit a craft show are browsers. Browsers can be turned into buyers, but it requires a little more effort. This blog post offers strategies to create an engaging booth, connect with customers, and boost your sales at craft fairs. Make your booth a must-visit with these actionable tips. For more insights on creating a successful small and craft business, connect with us at Made Urban!
a sign that says a big mistake craft show organizers want vendors to avoid it
A Big Mistake Craft Show Organizers want Vendors to Avoid
If you're selling at a slower craft show, it's important not to make this mistake that can irritate organizers and get you banned from future shows.
a clipboard with the words printable news letter sign up form to use at craft fairs
Printable Newsletter Signup Form to use at Craft Fairs
A variety of free printable forms to use at craft fairs to get people signed up for your craft business's newsletter.
a wooden shelf with two bags and coffee mugs on it next to a t - shirt display
Pegboard Market Display | Oversized Pegboard for Pop Up Events
a table topped with lots of craft items and text that says 5 ways you could be selling more at craft fairs
5 Ways you could be Selling More at Craft Fairs
If you're making one or more of these mistakes, you're likely missing out on sales at craft fairs.
some pink and blue purses are on display in front of a sign that says how to prepare for your first craft fair
How To Prepare for your First Craft Fair
Here are 12 things you may not know about craft fairs unless you've sold at one. They'll help you feel more prepared going into your first event.
a sign that says what to do when you're at a craft fair with no shoppers
What to Do when you're at a Craft Fair with No Shoppers
Sometimes a slow craft show happens due to lack of marketing while other times it's out of everyone's control (bad weather). If there are no shoppers at a craft fair, here's what you can do...
a group of people sitting around a table with craft supplies on it and the words 5 things you should do before saying yes to a craft fair
5 Things you Should Do Before Saying "Yes" to a Craft Fair
Craft fairs require a lot of your time and money to prepare for and sell at. Here are 5 things to check to ensure it's the right event for you.