Firefly Tabletop Game Announced

A new Firefly deckbuilding game will be coming out later this year. Gale Force Nine announced Firefly: Misbehavin', a new deckbuilding game for 2-4 players. Each player will take control of one of four factions and attempt to complete different objectives. The game will include both a standard mode and an Episode mode, in which players have different scenarios and objectives to complete. The factions include the crew of the Serenity, the Alliance, the community of Eavesdown, and the Niska criminal syndicate. 

Originally released in 2002, Firefly earned a cult status despite only having a handful of TV episodes released before its cancellation by Fox. Although the series had a number of well-known stars such as Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk, and Morena Baccarin, the show didn't generate a large enough audience to justify its TV budget. A follow-up movie was released in 2005 but struggled to rekindle interest in the show. Since then, several comics, novels, and games have helped expand the world of Firefly. 

This marks the third time that Gale Force Nine has published a Firefly-themed game, following the release of Firefly: The Game and the Firefly: Adventures miniatures game. Firefly: The Game proved to be a big success for Gale Force Nine, with multiple expansions released, while Firefly: Adventures had two more modest expansions released shortly after its original release in 2018. Interestingly, this is the first time that Gale Force Nine has released new Firefly game material in almost four years. Likely, Gale Force Nine is looking to capitalize on the show's upcoming 20th anniversary, although no other plans to celebrate the show have been announced by Fox or other companies.

Firefly: Misbehavin' will be released later this year, with a retail price of $65.