Stellar Blade Will Be "Uncensored" Worldwide

Stellar Blade fans around the world will get the "uncensored version" at launch.

Stellar Blade is set to later this week, bringing PlayStation fans a new action-adventure game to dive into. After an exciting demo, players are ready to finally jump in and see everything developer Shift Up has been working on. However, a few recent PlayStation games have shipped with differences between regions, leading some players to say that those games have been "censored." Recently, the team posted a new message to Twitter, making it clear that there will be no censorship when it comes to Stellar Blade. The game will provide the same experience to fans around the world at launch.

Stellar Blade Will Be "Uncensored" at Launch


The exact wording of the new tweet is "Stellar Blade offers the same uncensored version in all countries, including the Japanese version." The team at Shift Up doesn't go into any more details, but it doesn't really have to. Calling it the "uncensored" version doesn't Stellar Blade is going to be rated AO or anything. It simply means that players around the world should expect the exact same content. We've seen a few other games go the other way recently, so fans are happy to see that Shift Up is committed to giving fans in every region the entire experience.

As you probably expected, fans in the comments are excited about this announcement. Of course, we'll have to wait until Stellar Blade releases to say for sure, but several fans are using this announcement to say the game is going to be "GOTY for sure." Again, that's probably taking things too far, but it's clear that the hype behind Stellar Blade is only building as we get closer to its release date.

Stellar Blade Release Date

Stellar Blade is scheduled to launch on April 26th on PlayStation 5. Many fans are hoping that the game eventually comes to other platforms (notably PC), but Shift Up hasn't announced anything concrete at this point. The best-case scenario for players waiting for a PC release is that it comes a few months after the PS5 version. However, we'll have to wait for Shift Up to announce something official.

While you wait the last few days for Stellar Blade's launch, the demo is currently available. Some players have been spending a ton of time in the demo, racking up Skill Points to use at launch. That said, Shift Up recently posted that fans should "go easy on the demo" so they don't burn themselves out on early-game content. No matter how you decide to get into Stellar Blade, you'll only have to wait a few more days to jump into the full version.