Xbox Handheld Rumored to Be Teased at Upcoming Showcase

Xbox's long-rumored handheld could finally be revealed.

At long last, it sounds as though Xbox might be gearing up to announce its first handheld platform. Over the course of the past year, rumors have continued to grow stronger claiming that Microsoft has been developing its own dedicated Xbox handheld. The creation of such a piece of hardware seems to have come about following the success of competing platforms that include the Nintendo Switch, Steam Deck, and PlayStation Portal. While details are still sparse when it comes to what this Xbox handheld might look like, it now seems like we could get our first glimpse of the platform in mere days. 

According to insider eXtas1s, who has had accurate Xbox scoops in the past, this Sunday's Xbox Showcase could result in the first reveal of this new handheld. Dubbed the "Xbox Portable," it has been claimed that Xbox will merely tease the hardware during its showcase as a way of confirming that it's working on the device. Further details on its price and eventual release date sound unlikely to be divulged during the event on June 9, but this reveal would at the very least put to rest any ongoing speculation about the likelihood of such a handheld. 

In the past, Xbox has been no stranger to teasing hardware well in advance of its eventual release. In 2016 at Microsoft's E3 press conference, the first tease of "Project Scorpio" was shown to the public. This went on to become the Xbox One X when it then launched the following year. With the reveal of the Xbox Series X, Microsoft also showed off its latest console for the first time in 2019 nearly a full year before it released in 2020. As a result, if an Xbox handheld is unveiled at this week's Showcase, it's likely that it won't arrive until 2025 or beyond. 

Still, how do you feel about the possibility of Xbox making its own handheld platform? Is this something that you'd look to pick up for yourself, or are you content with the other portable gaming devices that are already on the market? Be sure to let me know over on social media at @MooreMan12

[H/T Reddit]