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European Semester documents for Bulgaria

The European Semester is an annual exercise that coordinates the EU's economic and social policies. Member States align their budgetary and economic policies. On this page, you can find the relevant documents for Bulgaria.

National reform programme (until 2023)

After receiving guidance from the Autumn Package, Member States submit their national policy plans for assessment ahead of the Spring Package. The national reform programme outlines the structural economic reforms that the Member State intends to implement, with a focus on future policies to strengthen employment and growth and prevent or correct macroeconomic imbalances. The programme should also indicate how the planned policies comply with the country-specific recommendations of previous European Semester cycles.

As of 2024, the national reform programmes will be replaced by the medium-term fiscal structural plans.

General publications8 May 2023
Bulgaria - National Reform Programme 2023

Country report

Published as part of the Spring Package, country reports provide a detailed analysis of each Member State’s economic and social developments and challenges and assess the extent these are addressed by national policies. Additionally, the reports review the implementation of country-specific recommendations from previous Semester cycles.

2024 Semester (19 June 2024): Country Reports

2023 Semester (24 May 2023): Country Reports

Country-specific recommendations

Published as part of the Spring Package, the Country-specific recommendations (CSRs) provide tailored guidance to each Member State, suggesting socio-economic and fiscal policy actions to be taken over the next year. The Commission develops the CSRs based on the country reports and its review of the national policy plans submitted by Member States. The draft recommendations are then further discussed by the Council which reaches consensus on a final version over the summer.

The recommendations focus on policy areas that face persistent challenges or are only partially addressed by national policy plans. CSR can cover a wide range of topics, including public finances, pension system reforms, education, innovation challenges, job creation or addressing unemployment.

2023 Semester (24 May 2023): Country Specific Recommendation / Commission Recommendation - Bulgaria

Past European Semester cycles

European Semester 2022

European Semester 2021

Documents from earlier Semester cycles can be retrieved through EUR-Lex, the official online database of European Union law