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Conferences and summits

Smarter rules for safer food and plant health

The Commission organised the conference “Smarter rules for safer food and plant health"

  • national competent authority | food safety | animal health | foodstuffs legislation | EU food chain
  • Friday 13 December 2019, 08:00 (CET)
  • Brussels, Belgium


  1. 13 Dec 2019, 08:00 - 17:00 (CET)

    Conference ProgrammeModerator: Corinna Egerer)

    download agenda as a PDF





    Registration and welcome coffee



    Opening and introduction

    • Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety
    • Dr Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, for the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the EU
    • Anja Hazekamp - Vice Chair of the Committee on the Environment, Public and Food Safety of the European Parliament



    New Official Controls Regulation – an overview (including tertiary legislation and RASFF/IMSOC)

    • Bernard van Goethem, Director Crisis management in food, animals and plants - DG SANTE
    • Andrea Gavinelli, Head of Unit Official controls and eradication of diseases in animals - DG SANTE



    Coffee break



    Parallel sessions1. Panel discussion: Official controls of plants

    • Josep M. Pagès, ENA – European Nurserystock Association
    • Sylvie Mamias, Unionfleurs
    • Pauline Cazaban, Ministry of Agriculture, France
    • Thorwald Geuze, Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, The Netherlands
    • Rosalinda Scalia, Plant health, DG SANTE
    • Hélène Klein, Head of Sector TRACES - IMSOC, DG SANTE


    Until 11:30

    2. 40 years of RASFF: “All you need is RASFF?” – Changes impacted by the Official Controls Regulation - Philippe Loopuyt, Head of Unit Alerts, traceability and committees, DG SANTE

    • Jan Baele – RASFF Head of Sector, RASFF, DG SANTE
    • Leena Räsänen (Ruoka) - Director of Food Safety Department of Ruokavirasto, Finland: “RASFF-case story”



    Parallel sessions 1. Panel discussion: Enforcement of EU legislation

    • Aidan O'Connor, Head of Unit Country knowledge and Enforcement, DG SANTE
    • Ana Canals, AESAN (Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition), Spain
    • Dr. Mary Canty, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland
    • Petr Čejka, Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority, Czech Republic
    • Lina Koufokotsiou, Team Leader - Organic Farming / Control, Monitoring and Supervision, DG AGRI
    • Dr Thomas Jemmi, Deputy Director General, FSVO (Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office), Switzerland



    2. 40 years of RASFF: “All you need is RASFF?” – Panel discussion on Transparency - Bernard Van Goethem, Director Crisis management in food, animals and plants - DG SANTE

    • Dr. Rebeca Fernandez - Director Food Policy, Science and R&D, FoodDrinkEurope
    • Karine Jacquemart - Director General, Foodwatch France



    Lunch break



    Parallel sessions: 1. Panel discussion: Official controls – the role of stakeholders

    • Mrs Deidre Webb, FEFAC (European Feed Manufacturers' Federation)
    • Paolo Patruno, Deputy Secretary General, CLITRAVI, (Liaison Centre for the Meat Processing Industry in the European Union
    • Camille Perrin, BEUC (European Consumer Organisation)
    • Els Bedert, Eurocommerce
    • Wouter Lox, Secretary General, AIJN (European Fruit Juice Association)



    2. 40 years of RASFF: “All you need is RASFF?” – Cooperation - Jan Baele, Head of Sector, RASFF, DG SANTE

    • Presentation by Dr. Ceyhur Gungor, WHO INFOSAN Secretariat: “INFOSAN: learning from the past and looking to the future”
    • Presentation by Mrs Wipada Saengkham, ASEAN on "Reinforcing cooperation on food safety in ASEAN countries: the ASEAN RASFF network"
    • Presentation by Dr. Georg Schreiber, Deputy Head of Directorate 'Food Safety' BVL, Germany, on e-commerce achievements and prospects



    3. 40 years of RASFF: “All you need is RASFF?” – Smarter data = better analysis - Jan Baele, Head of Sector, RASFF, DG SANTE

    • Presentation by Dr. Ana Afonso, Team Leader Emerging Risks, EFSA on EFSA’s assistance to RASFF
    • Presentation by Dr. Ákos Jóźwiak, National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH), Hungary, “Role of Data Science in Food Chain Safety Decision Making: Current Status and Future Trends”



    4. Protecting the EU plant health in a changing world - Dorothée Andre, Head of Unit Plant Health, DG SANTE

    • Harry Arijs, EU Commission Deputy head of Unit plant health- The new plant health law and awareness raising
    • Almansa de Lara Valentín, Director General for animal and plant health of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture- Member State view on some of the new elements of the plant health law: prevention and surveillance
    • Philip Binard,  General Delegate Freshfel Europe – The new plant health regime: new tools for protecting EU producers and boost trade
    • Maria Bergsma-Vlami, Director of the EURL for bacteriology – the EURLs activities in supporting the effectiveness of official controls in plant health
    • Giuseppe Stancanelli, Deputy head of Unit Animal and Plant health EFSA –Commodity risk assessments, Horizon scanning and survey cards
    • Elisabetta Balzi, Head of Unit JRC ISPRA - Innovative technologies to support early detection of pests
    • Jesus Barreiro Hurle, JRC SEVILLA - Science for Policy in the implementation of Plant Health Regulation
    • Francoise Petter, Assistant Director EPPO – EPPO activities in support of the plant health legislative framework
    • Ralph Lopian, Chair of the International Steering Committee for the IYPH (FAO-IPPC)- Toward the international year of plant health



    Coffee break



    Panel discussion: Official controls and global trade

    • Michael Scannell, Director - for Common Market Organisations for agricultural products DG AGRI
    • Paul Lopez , President- AVEC (European poultry meat)
    • Flavio Coturni, Head of Unit, Agriculture, Fisheries, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Market Access, Biotechnology, DG TRADE
    • Dirk Lange, Head of Unit Multilateral international relations, DG SANTE
    • Dr. Ritu Nalubola, Director of the European Office of the Food and Drug Administration, USA
    • Guus Pastoor, President, AIPCE (European Fish Processors Association)



    Closing remarks

    • Bernard van Goethem, Director Crisis management in food, animals and plants - DG SANTE


    Venue Key:

    • GASP = GASP room
    • JENK = LORD JENKINS room

Practical information

Friday 13 December 2019, 08:00 (CET)
Charlemagne Building
Charlemagne Building, Rue de la Loi 170, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Official Controls Regulation
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