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European and international consumer organisations

Cooperation between the Commission and federations of consumer organisations is essential to good policy-making.

Role of consumer organisations

The Commission works closely with consumer organisations, which are federations of national bodies from across the EU.

Their goal is to represent European consumers, make them aware of their rights, and to influence the development of EU policies that promote and defend their interests.

There are currently 4 such federations. 

At present, 2 of these federations (ANEC and BEUC) meet the EU's criteria for funding and so receive a Commission subsidy to help them carry out their activities.

Transatlantic consumer dialogue (TACD)

The Transatlantic consumer dialogue (TACD) is a forum that brings together EU and US consumer organisations. It prepares joint policy recommendations to the Commission and the US government in order to promote consumer interests in both territories.

The TACD organises annual meetings, alternately in the US and in Europe, to discuss its position with the Commission and the US authorities. It also regularly organises conferences.

The TACD is organised by Consumers International, which runs the TACD secretariat, and receives financial and coordination support from the Commission.