User talk:Krd: Difference between revisions

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From whom and how should I reap permission if I am the author myself? [[User:Dmitry Dzhagarov|Dmitry Dzhagarov]] ([[User talk:Dmitry Dzhagarov|<span class="signature-talk">{{int:Talkpagelinktext}}</span>]]) 15:43, 7 June 2023 (UTC)
From whom and how should I reap permission if I am the author myself? [[User:Dmitry Dzhagarov|Dmitry Dzhagarov]] ([[User talk:Dmitry Dzhagarov|<span class="signature-talk">{{int:Talkpagelinktext}}</span>]]) 15:43, 7 June 2023 (UTC)
:See: [[COM:VRT]] --[[User:Krd|Krd]] 17:55, 7 June 2023 (UTC)
:See: [[COM:VRT]] --[[User:Krd|Krd]] 17:55, 7 June 2023 (UTC)

== [[:File:Reginald Baliol Brett, 2nd Viscount Esher.png]] ==

Hallo Krd. Ich bin per E-Mail gebeteb worden, diese Datei wieder herzustellen, da die Schutzfrist ageblich abgelaufen ist. Man hat mir außerdem geschrieben, dass du aus Zeitmangel dich nicht selbst darum kümmern könntest, aber generell mit der Wiederherstellung einverstanden wärst. Bei dem Löschgrund, den du angegeben hast, halte ich das aber für Unsinn. Wollte daher mal deine Meinung einholen. [[User:De728631|De728631]] ([[User talk:De728631|<span class="signature-talk">{{int:Talkpagelinktext}}</span>]]) 08:20, 11 June 2023 (UTC)

Revision as of 08:20, 11 June 2023

SpBot archives all sections tagged with {{Section resolved|1=~~~~}} after 1 day. For the archive overview, see archive.

Hallo Krd

Ich würde gerne die in Dodis – Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland 1848–1975 verwendete Photo in meinen Wikipedia-Artikel über de:Carl Stucki einstellen. Da ich ohnehin mit Dodis im Kontakt stand, fragte ich auch gleich, ob sie einverstanden wären, die Photo unter die Lizenz CC BY-SA 4.0 zu stellen, damit ich sie in den Wikipediaartikel einfügen könne, worauf die folgende Antwort kam: «Die Porträtbilder dürfen Sie gerne unter Angabe der Quelle bei Dodis verwenden (Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz, Online-Datenbank Dodis:» Frage: Reicht diese Zustimmung für Wikimedia Commons? (Den vollständigen Mailverkehr kann ich gerne nachliefern.)

Beste Grüsse, --Freigut (talk) 13:57, 26 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Ich frage mich, ob die wirklich die Rechte an den Bildern haben. So richtig plausibel erscheint mir das nicht. Wenn die Behauptung aber stimmt, dann kann das einfach so nach Commons kopiert werden. --Krd 14:19, 26 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Ich habe mich auch gefragt, ob sie die Rechte wirklich haben. Aber ich bezweifle, dass ein Nachfragen zu einem sicheren Ergebnis führt ... Anderseits scheint es sich um eine simple Personalfoto zu handeln, ohne jeden künstlerischen Wert – aber ob das ein Argument ist, weiss ich nicht. Kann man sich allenfalls einfach darauf abstellen, das Dodis der Meinung ist, die Rechte zu haben? Wenn sie das behaupten, kann es nicht unsere Aufgabe sein, das zu verifzieren. Was meinst du? --Freigut (talk) 14:43, 26 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Ich denke wir sollten da nachfragen. Ich kann mir das ansehen, aber das wird ein paar Tage dauern. --Krd 05:48, 27 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Danke. --Freigut (talk) 11:38, 27 June 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Äh – du setzest den Erledigt-Baustein – ist das denn jetzt erledigt? Ich dachte, du wolltest dir das ansehen? Oder kann ich das Bild jetzt hochladen, mit Beifügung des Mails von Dodis, dass sie damit einverstanden seien (siehe oben)? --Freigut (talk) 16:48, 13 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Äh, sorry, das war wohl ein Irrtum. Ja, das steht leider noch aus. --Krd 16:55, 13 July 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Lieber Krd, sehe gerade, dass auch in den Artikel Flavio Cotti eine Dodis-Foto eingefügt worden ist. Zur Lizenzierung siehe hier. Insofern sollte der Verwendung der Dodis-Foto von Carl Stucki somit auch nichts im Wege stehen. Lieber Gruss, --Freigut (talk) 09:46, 18 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Habe die Foto nun hochgeladen und publiziert. LG, --Freigut (talk) 09:47, 30 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Bitte gib mir nochmal einen Hinweis oder Link, was genau zu tun ist. --Krd 13:46, 30 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Siehe oben – ich fragte nach, ob dieses Bild publiziert werden dürfe, und du wolltest dem nachgehen. Nachdem nun ein anderes aus Dodis anstandslos publiziert worden ist, steht auch «meinem» Bild nichts mehr entgegen – die Sache hat sich also erledigt. Einen guten Rutsch ins 2021 wünscht --Freigut (talk) 14:24, 30 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Ich bin nicht dvon überzeugt, dass hier eine Klärung stattgefunden hat oder das so in Ordnung ist, aber ich komme auf absehbare Zeit auch nicht dazu, mich darum zu kümmern. --Krd 14:27, 30 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Trotz Impressum, wonach «die Inhalte von Dodis – Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz [...] lizenziert [sind] unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz»? Dann ist es eigentlich die Sache von Dodis, sich um die Details zu kümmern, und nicht von Wikimedia Commons – die sind meines Erachtens fein raus. Aber wie auch immer, ich bin da kein Spezialist. --Freigut (talk) 14:42, 30 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Die Frage ist, ob es sich dabei um Inhalte handelt, an denen Dodis Rechteinhaber ist. Wenn es sich einfach um eine falsche Behauptung handelt, z.b. um einen Irrtum, dann ist das schon teilweise "unser" Problem, weil wir als Commons den Weiternutzer dazu ermunter, das Bild zu nutzen. Aber vielleicht hast Du recht damit, dass es ein Problem ist, das wir aus Zeitmangel nicht lösen werden. --Krd 15:01, 30 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Template:OTRS ticket

Hi, this template was under the radar! Template:OTRS ticket should be renamed Template:Ticket reference (or something like that), but modified as well, in order to have the ticket number as sole parameter (see talk page). it is possible to modify all the existent ticket by bot (replacing the ticket number, and using only the second parameter)? --Ruthven (msg) 15:19, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

I think we should replace most of them with Template:PermissionTicket at first and then see what remains. I think this template can perhaps be completely removed. --Krd 15:34, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Or simply by the [[ticket:xxx]] link. --Krd 15:40, 13 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Mostly ✓ Done, but there are still a few transclusions that should or should not get fixed. --Krd 22:09, 14 December 2021 (UTC)[reply]

VRTS templates

Hi, I need your IA powers! Can you please fix this request? Thanks --Ruthven (msg) 10:43, 4 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Sadly I don't have enozgh time in the next days. Would you be able to fix this with temporary IA rights? --Krd 10:46, 4 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, yes, I was thinking about this second solution. Temporary AI rights would be fine (say 1 week? hoping that I've time in the next days myself) Thanks Ruthven (msg) 14:05, 5 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done --Krd 14:13, 5 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hi again. What have we decided to do with MediaWiki:Grouppage-OTRS-member? --Ruthven (msg) 09:46, 11 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I don't think there was any decision, but I think this should be moved to MediaWiki:Grouppage-VRT-permissions-agent and the content changed to Commons:Global VRT group. But I'm not 100% sure. --Krd 10:04, 11 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
OK, I write an email about this. There's still OTRS-stuff in the Mediawiki namespace, but the next 2 weeks will be quite busy for me. I'll ask for IA rights again later to complete the job, if it's not an issue. Ruthven (msg) 13:49, 11 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]
@Ruthven: Please advise: Is this resolved? (I sadly cannot follow any more what exactly it was about.) Krd 11:36, 5 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Hi! I'd completely forgot that :)
According to this search, there might be some fixes that still need to be done. Ruthven (msg) 14:42, 5 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Bot didn't close DR


Why didn't Krdbot close Commons:Deletion requests/User:Pascal666/vector.js? Jonteemil (talk) 17:13, 17 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I think this is written only for files. --Krd 16:25, 18 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Aha, maybe it can be updated to find all namespaces? Unless it's too much of a trouble.Jonteemil (talk) 06:18, 19 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
That would be some amount of work, and I currently think it's not worth the effort. Let's reevaluate if it happens frequently. --Krd 08:56, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Probably not frequent in non-file namespaces, nvm then if it's some amount of work.Jonteemil (talk) 19:33, 20 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Let's put this on the backburner, I'm not sure if I see all possible side effects. --Krd 04:53, 22 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Filedelinkerbot upgrade?

Hey Krd, I know Filedelinkerbot and @Grin's CommonsDelinker bots have been around a long time, i was wondering if its about time both had an update?... 5 years ago, it wasn't doable but now it may be useful, since wikidata was created, it allowed all articles (and images) to be housed under one dataset. Currently both bots removes links to images that have been deleted on commons but what it should also do is replace the image that has been deleted with the image that was previously on that article or the one used by wikidata for that article to ensure a major article is not left without an image cause someone who did not understand copyright policy replaced it with an unfree one and it got deleted and subsequently goes un-repalced... before wikidata existed, if i found an image used in more than 10+ wikis was a copyvio, i'd try to find a replacement and then use the GlobalReplace tool to change the unfree image before reporting the copyvio to ensure when the image does get deleted here, the articles don't lose out on having a free image on it.. since wikidata came along, i had to do less of it cause wikidata ensure images added there appeared on the articles on regional wikis (except enwiki who apparently think of themselves as superior).

I tried to discuss this on IRC but to no avail as enwiki as usual has chosen to opt-out of something that makes their project better, its bad enough that images added to commons do not appear on article infoboxes on enwiki, its worse when a free image of someone major like a leader/ politician is available but not being used on enwiki because after the copyvio was deleted, no one bothered to replace it, seen it happen far too many times so was wondering what if your bot (Magnus's bot is more global than yours which is active in 3 wikis only) also restored the previous image that was on the article before it was deleted or if there was no image there, added the one used on its wikidata (what use is wikidata if the data there cannot be used on the biggest wiki on wikimedia)...sure users can remove/replace it later if they don't like it but say someone replaced it with another copyvio and it got deleted, the bot will again restore the free one... ensures the articles always has a free image available cause no one ever scrolls down to the bottom to click the wikimedia commons link and the new SKIN has made it even harder for people who browse wikis and use it to navigate through to other wikis. Its bad enough that we have 1000's (if not tens of thousands) of images on commons not being used on enwiki when it could be due to this lame opt-out nonsense ( i know this cause i have added more than 200 that could be used but isn't on enwiki and you know i can't edit enwiki), if we could make it better by using your bot to restore free images as well as removing deleted copyright ones, i'd think that will be great for wikimedia as a whole....don't you? Stemoc 03:11, 15 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]

I agree that it could be a good idea, but before I start I would like to see this as a flow chart or similar, to be sure we agree on the same thing. --Krd 04:34, 15 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I am not sure you could describe a computationally feasible way to find "an image used before a deleted image", and I am also not sure that it would be very useful. In my observation most images work the way that
  • it gets uploaded
  • it gets inserted into the article or template (or recently wikidata)
so there is no "previous image" in the majority of the cases. Also it is usually not "computationally distinguishable" when someone edits an article or just replaces an image; a little additional formatting may break this fragile guesswork.
Of course smart code can do a lot of guesswork, heuristics, but even in the fairly simple CommonsDelinker case there are a lot of problems, exceptions, breakage due to extreme wikiscript syntax deviations and flexibility.
I'm not sure a bot is the best way to handle interpretation of edits, I'd say humans are much better in that, but that's my opinion. (There could be a bot replacing recent deleted_image edits with a human defined replacement_image, but I have my doubts about its resilience against abuse.)
As Krd said you could try to define what the bot would have to do and you would very possibly realise that it would handle 70% of the cases right and would break (or miss) 30% of the rest. :-/ And it'd be very bad efficiency. IMHO. grin 09:38, 3 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Deletion of several images

Pasting in prior thread that was deleted/archived.

Deletion of several images Hi there I just noticed that you deleted almost every photo I put on the "A Love Supreme (Fanzine)" wiki. I had asked the owner of the images for permission to use the images and they sent that email template to the right place so I don't understand why they have been removed. If you could explain why that would be a great help thanks. AdrianThompson1973 () 11:48, 11 May 2023 (UTC) Hello. When they sent that email template to the right place, what answer did they receive? --Krd 12:24, 11 May 2023 (UTC) They received an initial reply asking to confirm copyright permission to which they replied and confirmed. Reading other messages from other people it looks like they too have had images deleted when permission has been given, perhaps it would be better to get in touch with the person uploading the images before deleting them fully next time. I was doing this for a university project and half of the work I have done is now missing. A lot of the photos posted were originals from A Love Supreme themselves and were actually put on the page as a way to reference things that were said. AdrianThompson1973 () 12:02, 15 May 2023 (UTC) Please provide a file name or ticket number. Krd 04:35, 17 May 2023 (UTC)

NEW 30/05/23 11:20 I don't have the ticket number but I can provide all the files that we're deleted. I will list them below:

I actually think some may have been removed from you. This whole thing has taken far too long too resolve. I asked for permission to use their photos and they complied, I would say to make things easier they could make an account and add the photos themselves but the Wiki rules say that people shouldn't edit their own pages so then there would no doubt be another issue there. As far as I'm aware they have emailed the VRT team but the replies take a while. It would be really helpful if you could undelete the images or make it plain and simple what needs to happen, because as far as I am aware everything that needs to happen has happened, and yet the images are still not on the page. Quite frustrating when I spent a lot of my free time doing this... AdrianThompson1973 (talk) 11:16, 30 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Please provide the VRT ticket number or please ask the permission sender to send the permission again. Krd 11:30, 30 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Is the ticket number missing from the files (there should be a {{Permission received}})? –LPfi (talk) 15:32, 1 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I cannot find any {{Permission received}}. Krd 04:42, 2 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
So perhaps the filenames were never included in the email exchange? The ticket number should have been included anyway, so if AdrianThompson1973 has access to the correspondence (or even a single reply), they should have the number. –LPfi (talk) 07:22, 2 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

A barnstar for you!

The Original Barnstar
For your swift VRT work! WikiLinuz (talk) 17:34, 2 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

hi! Why did you erased the file? Thanx --Simoz (talk) 12:07, 3 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

See COM:LIC --Krd 15:40, 3 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I already read them.
Can you please be more specific?
It was all ok...
--Simoz (talk) 17:10, 3 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
I have restored the image, please continue the discussion here: Commons:Deletion requests/File:Carica cavalleria colonnello Vittorio Barattieri.jpg --Krd 07:42, 4 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Batch editing protected files (from 2021 archive)

Hi Krd, thanks for your proposal to help. To be able to edit SDC components of protected files, we would need the following:

  1. You would need to get oAuth login details for your account. This can be done by m:Special:OAuthConsumerRegistration/propose (using an owner-only consumers). In this step you can restrict the rights; as far as I see only basic rights and edit protected files is needed.
  2. Please save the python script from User:SchlurcherBot/commonsapiaddclaimsoauth in a file (please note that the line breaks are only properly preserved in the source code view). Please name the file
  3. Add your oAuth login details generated in step 1 to line 60.
  4. Please make sure you have the dependencies installed from line 37-40.

The python script will contact the API and perform the SDC edit. I perform a lot of pre-processing and post-processing outside of python. We can skip these and I can send you directly self-containing commands as follows. I think one can guess what is happening, but they are not directly human readable. Note that these are one-liner python calls:

python3 -i "M3942539" -o "automatically modify [[Commons:Structured data|structured data]] based on file information: date copyright license" -v "{\"claims\":[{\"mainsnak\":{\"snaktype\":\"value\",\"property\":\"P571\",\"datavalue\":{\"value\":{\"time\":\"+2008-04-25T00:00:00Z\",\"timezone\":0,\"before\":0,\"after\":0,\"precision\":11,\"calendarmodel\":\"\"},\"type\":\"time\"}},\"type\":\"statement\",\"rank\":\"normal\"},{\"mainsnak\":{\"snaktype\":\"value\",\"property\":\"P6216\",\"datavalue\":{\"value\":{\"entity-type\":\"item\",\"numeric-id\":50423863,\"id\":\"Q50423863\"},\"type\":\"wikibase-entityid\"}},\"type\":\"statement\",\"rank\":\"normal\"},{\"mainsnak\":{\"snaktype\":\"value\",\"property\":\"P275\",\"datavalue\":{\"value\":{\"entity-type\":\"item\",\"numeric-id\":50829104,\"id\":\"Q50829104\"},\"type\":\"wikibase-entityid\"}},\"type\":\"statement\",\"rank\":\"normal\"},{\"mainsnak\":{\"snaktype\":\"value\",\"property\":\"P275\",\"datavalue\":{\"value\":{\"entity-type\":\"item\",\"numeric-id\":14946043,\"id\":\"Q14946043\"},\"type\":\"wikibase-entityid\"}},\"type\":\"statement\",\"rank\":\"normal\"}]}"
python3 -i "M207328" -o "automatically modify [[Commons:Structured data|structured data]] based on file information: date copyright license" -v "{\"claims\":[{\"mainsnak\":{\"snaktype\":\"value\",\"property\":\"P571\",\"datavalue\":{\"value\":{\"time\":\"+2011-07-05T00:00:00Z\",\"timezone\":0,\"before\":0,\"after\":0,\"precision\":11,\"calendarmodel\":\"\"},\"type\":\"time\"}},\"type\":\"statement\",\"rank\":\"normal\"},{\"mainsnak\":{\"snaktype\":\"value\",\"property\":\"P6216\",\"datavalue\":{\"value\":{\"entity-type\":\"item\",\"numeric-id\":50423863,\"id\":\"Q50423863\"},\"type\":\"wikibase-entityid\"}},\"type\":\"statement\",\"rank\":\"normal\"},{\"mainsnak\":{\"snaktype\":\"value\",\"property\":\"P275\",\"datavalue\":{\"value\":{\"entity-type\":\"item\",\"numeric-id\":50829104,\"id\":\"Q50829104\"},\"type\":\"wikibase-entityid\"}},\"type\":\"statement\",\"rank\":\"normal\"},{\"mainsnak\":{\"snaktype\":\"value\",\"property\":\"P275\",\"datavalue\":{\"value\":{\"entity-type\":\"item\",\"numeric-id\":14946043,\"id\":\"Q14946043\"},\"type\":\"wikibase-entityid\"}},\"type\":\"statement\",\"rank\":\"normal\"}]}"

Please let me know if we can proceed this way. If this test is successful, I would send you a complete list of commands for all files. Thanks again for your proposal to help. --Schlurcher (talk) 12:01, 5 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]

First one finished, please check. Second one does not work, sadly without error message. Is there any way to make it more verbose? --Krd 12:31, 5 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Exit code 150. Interesting. Any idea what right is missing? --Krd 12:35, 5 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, got it, please check. --Krd 12:45, 5 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for looking into this. The script is intentionally quiet, as I do the post-processing in a different language (I'm not very good in python). 600 more commands are here User:SchlurcherBot/Blocked if you may. I also added a sleep command after each one to space them out a bit. --Schlurcher (talk) 05:33, 6 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Nochmals rausgekramt aus dem 2021er Archiv mit gleicher Frage: Würdest du mir nochmals helfen vollgesperrte Dateien, insbesondere solche mit Kaskadenschutz (die ich 2021 größtenteils vergessen hatte) zu bearbeiten? Ich würde das Ganze wieder als Befehl wie oben herausschreiben. Hast du zufällig das Skript von damals noch aufgehoben, dann wäre das viel einfacher? Grüße, Schlurcher (talk) 07:28, 6 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo. Können wir gern machen, aber bitte nicht vor Freitag. Lass mir gern die nötigen Daten schonmal zukommen. Ich glaube das python-Zeug habe ich nicht mehr. Krd 12:41, 6 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Danke. Es wird noch etwas dauern, bis ich die Liste zusammen habe. Ich wollte erst einmal nach der generellen Bereitschaft fragen, sodass ich jetzt weiß, dass es sich lohnt die Liste zu erstellen. Ich melde mich wieder wenn es soweit ist. --Schlurcher (talk) 07:13, 8 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Perfekt. Krd 13:22, 8 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Hi, ich hab es gestern Abend doch geschafft knapp 50 weitere voll geschützte Dateien zusammenzustellen.
Der ganze Prozess wäre ähnlich wie zuvor:
  1. You would need to get oAuth login details for your account. This can be done by m:Special:OAuthConsumerRegistration/propose (using an owner-only consumers). In this step you can restrict the rights; as far as I see only basic rights and edit protected files is needed.
  2. Please save the python script from User:SchlurcherBot/commonsapiaddclaimsoauth in a file and please name the file to
  3. Add your oAuth login details generated in step 1 to Step 1: Login details from OAuth in the python script.
  4. Seach and replace each instance of "assert" : "bot" to "assert" : "user"
  5. Please make sure you have the dependencies installed from line 37-40.
The python script will contact the API and perform the SDC edit. All calls are given here: User:SchlurcherBot/Blocked
Eventuell würde ich dir kurz nach deinem Durchlauf nochmals ein Paar schicken, da ich dann erst sehen kann was noch fehlt. Vielen Dank schonmal! --Schlurcher (talk) 06:40, 9 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Ich weiß jetzt wieder, warum ich python nicht mag. Der Kram läuft nicht. Krd 08:00, 10 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Alles klar, Danke nochmals. Ich frage dann bei Gelegenheit bei jemand anders an. Grüße Schlurcher (talk) 21:15, 10 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]
Ich wollte damit erstmal nur sagen, dass man da nochmal genauer schauen müsste, und dass ich evtl. etwas Hilfe brauche. Wenn es natürlich ein anderer mit weniger Arbeit hinbekommt, nehm ich das natürlich auch. Krd 06:15, 11 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

File:Justin Rossack.jpg

Hi, Krd, how are you? You removed a F10 tag from File:Justin Rossack.jpg while adding VRT permission, but didn't offer any explanation. Was that a mistake – the image is a low-quality selfie by a non-contributor, is it not? NB If I'm wrong about that, please explain why, and accept this apology in advance (I've recently been threatened by Yann with a block from this project if I make another mistake in nomination for deletion). Regards, Justlettersandnumbers (talk) 20:25, 6 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

@Justlettersandnumbers: This file is indeed probably out of scope as personal image by a non contributor. You can create a regular deletion request with the proper rationale. Thanks, Yann (talk) 20:59, 6 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Krd You deleted my file allegedly due to lack of permission. Please explain why and how I suddenly have to get permission for my own file, which has been happily existing for two years? Dmitry Dzhagarov (talk) 15:35, 7 June 2023 (UTC) From whom and how should I reap permission if I am the author myself? Dmitry Dzhagarov (talk) 15:43, 7 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

See: COM:VRT --Krd 17:55, 7 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Krd. Ich bin per E-Mail gebeteb worden, diese Datei wieder herzustellen, da die Schutzfrist ageblich abgelaufen ist. Man hat mir außerdem geschrieben, dass du aus Zeitmangel dich nicht selbst darum kümmern könntest, aber generell mit der Wiederherstellung einverstanden wärst. Bei dem Löschgrund, den du angegeben hast, halte ich das aber für Unsinn. Wollte daher mal deine Meinung einholen. De728631 (talk) 08:20, 11 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]